Chapter 4

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As they sat there looking at the stars, he could not stop thanking them for taking him to the place where he had found his mate, and although she as of yet did not know it would be his forever and eternity.

Her heart, felt as if she had been in love with the man that was sitting next to her for years. In her mind, she wished that something came out of this and that he would neither sell her off nor one of his brothers become attracted to her because she felt love for this man and she had only known him a day, she did not know how these feelings could be possible but right now all she wanted was to be held in his arms and to feel his kiss.

"Are you cold?" "No, I'm fine just enjoying the beauty of this night with you." He smiled at her happy that he was able to make her happy and away from whatever life she had been living for them to have sold her.

There was somewhat of a breeze and had let a wisp of her hair loose, he pushed it behind her ear and took her hand in his, and again she did not tremble she cuddled towards him, his heart was exploding but he was trying to keep calm.

Just as he looked at the sky a star was falling and he told her, "Let's make a wish," they both closed their eyes and when they opened them, he said, "I know they say you should not divulge your wish because it won't come true but my wish is to do this...." He put his hands on either side of her face and pulled her softly towards him, she let herself go and he softly and passionately kissed her.

She felt like she had been kissed by one of the stars from above, she then saw parts of something she didn't understand, she saw Octavian and his brothers as being taught by an older man from a book that had letters from a language she did not understand and she saw a beautiful lady that looked like one of the brothers in the kitchen but her eyes were blood red and when she was giving birth, she screamed like no other woman she had ever heard and she had fangs.

She saw bedsheets running with the color of blood, others soaked in red. Blood slipped down Octavian's teeth but they weren't teeth but fangs she was not scared at seeing these things she wanted to know more and she wanted to get to know more of the man that she was falling in love with and it wasn't a crush as she was not a little girl.

What could all these things mean? She wanted to know and as soon as he finished kissing her, she told him that she wanted to ask him something and hoped that he could answer her. She made sure to tell him that she was not terrified in any way of what she saw but she wanted to get to know the man she loved and this time she proceeded to kiss him.

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