Pg. 92

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Countess/Judge Elizabeth was outside taking a break from the ball when she saw Rebekah run from the doors and since Rebekah was paying more attention to something inside than where she was running, she ran right into Judge Elizabeth.

Thinking she could get this Judge to agree with her since she was female and had not been inside to hear what had happened, she started to 'pour' out her feelings, as if she ever had any. If she only knew she was playing up to the wrong Judge. Judge Elizabeth decided to play along.

"Oh, Judge Elizabeth, I cannot believe Natasha will be the future wife of Octavian," "Why do you say that my dear?" She knew that it probably had to do with Natasha calling her out as one of her trusted men from her clan had already come and informed her but she was going to let Rebekah put a noose around her neck. She was sick of her and the faster she let herself hang herself the better.

"She made a fool out of me in front of everyone by not knowing our traditions, that is the type of bride Octavian wants? The type of princess the Council will one day let be queen over us and rule the house and the clan of Delacroix with Octavian? How can that be? How could Maximillian and the rest of the house of Delacroix allow that to happen?"

She continued, "I don't want to go against them in words because you know I wouldn't but I expected the Judges to come to my defense as I am a Sire and she is only a newborn. But no one gave me the reason, everyone gave her the reason and she looked at me gliding her tongue over her fangs like a hungry feline who had just seen a fat rat and had decided to play with it before eating it. And I am no one's play toy much less a wet behind-the-ear newborn."

Judge Elizabeth knew it was her turn to talk, "Well, my dear, If the Council inside didn't say or do anything or as you say 'come to your defense' that meant there was nothing to be done and she was in her right. Rebekah, you were asked here to witness that wet behind-the-ear newborn as you call her, complete transformation as the mate of a prince and she has a name, and I expect you to learn AND use it when you talk about her because you will have to learn to respect and obey her whether you like it or not. In a couple of days, when she marries Octavian, she will gain the title of princess of the Delacroix mansion and clan and once he is bestowed the position of our king in the future, she will be our queen as well as queen of the Delacroix house."

Rebekah knew that she was not going to get anywhere with Countess Elizabeth, how happy she now was that she let her newborns kill her husband and she always hoped no one would ever find out because she knew it would be instant death. She needed to find a way to spoil Octavian's plan to wed Natasha, he could not marry her, and she could not be the queen of all the clans and the Delacroix house.

Just by the way, Natasha looked at her Rebekah knew she had met her match; Natasha was not someone to be played with, someone else would have quietly just let her dance with Octavian and slither off to sulk but not Natasha, she had to make a scene but a scene that got noticed that she was right and Rebekah was an asshole.

Making Rebekah run like a little bitch and Natasha like she had won the battle in front of everyone and she had. Rebekah was not going to let it end there, she would get her revenge, no wet behind-the-ear human rat was going to make her feel like she was nothing in front of all the clans including hers, and get away with it.

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