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Valeska could see that Rebekah's only interest was that crown as fast as she was riding. It was never anything to do with Octavian. But she was glad that their new princess was not a pushover and was a strong person. A person who was not scared of Rebekah and all she portrayed to be.

No, her new queen was strong, decisive, sweet, caring, and loving, and had many other beautiful qualities that a queen should have. The people far and wide were going to love her and would for eons on end. She was happy that she had been chosen to be the guard of such a beautiful person because sometimes when one is chosen and the person you have to take care of is a fucking asshole it's hard to want to take care of them when you rather want them dead.

She wishes she could kill Rebekah but she had her orders and she would respect her queen, although she was not yet named to her, she already showed that she had all that it took to be the queen of all the Covens of the Realm which came under the ruling of the Council.

She made sure she kept her distance so that Rebekah would not hear the hooves of her horse or the breaking of the sticks under its gallops, she didn't want to have a confrontation with her because she knew she would kill her, and she didn't want to go against the wishes of Natasha so she stayed as far back as she could.

Rebekah helped because she didn't enter any towns but kept her path through the forest and that made it so easy for Valeska because she kept in clear view. At the same time, this made it easy for Valeska to use her other senses and be on alert because one can never be too sure. 

By nighttime, Rebekah was too tired of riding and although to stop although didn't want to she had to give it up, she entered a small town and asked for a room but when she went to pay, she forgot she didn't have money and so the man who was a grandfatherly type told her he had a small room out in the back and if it was only for the night she could rest there and he would get her something to eat and drink for her and her horse as she looked like she had been riding all day.

She said yes it was just for the night and thanked him. The elderly man's wife even gave her some clothes so that she could bathe, saying they belonged to her daughter who was no more.

Valeska also entered and stayed in a small Inn. But like a warrior trained to take care of royalty at the sound of a slight noise, she opened her eyes and it was just one of the men watering the horses. A little later when she woke, she noticed that the elderly man was giving Rebekah some breakfast but she was for once being nice and telling him thank you that she had to go and after saying goodbye she went for her horse and left the town.

Valeska went for hers, which had also rested and was ready for the rest of the ride home. And again, off went Rebekah, and Valeska behind at a slow, quiet pace. If things went well tonight, they would be home.

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