Pg. 192

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Everyone had received what they were wearing as Mrs. Hedda had delivered all the girls' dresses and the tailor had finished all the men's adjustments to their suits. Everyone who had to be at the ball or wanted to be at the ball had arrived or was already there, which was great because the ball was to take place tomorrow. 

The Sheras who were not to take part in the ceremony had made sure to be alert as no one wanted trouble. Since all the arrangements had been made with security for so many different reasons Natasha was happy one of them was not Rebekah, that was underway.

Everything seemed to be going well, even Mr. Cadmino had been happy because this time around he had been able to find all the ingredients he needed for such a big occasion in such a short amount of time so close to their wedding.

The caters also had everything set and so far after calling everyone, everything was set to go and that was how Natasha liked things, she always liked that things went well and nothing went awry at the last minute.

After this was all over Natasha knew that the happiness of all this would hit both Octavian and her like a ton of bricks because first, they have reached the point in their life when they can say they need look no more for love as it is right next to them and now, they will rule over so many people and besides that, she feels the strength not of only herself but of his mother and she has the happiness of being loved not only by him but by his entire family.

She now knew that what she had with her own family was never love because her father only really doted on her sister and well Carminia on her son of a bitch brother and she was left out in the cold but when she found Octavian, she also found a family.

"Hey sis," Edmondo yelled out to her shaking her from her thoughts "You seem out of breath my sweet one, is someone chasing you?" "No, but I think this king stuff has gone to Octavian's head." As always, she knew what he was talking about before he even said it and she thought it whimsical on the part of Octavian and stifled her laughter.

"Sis, I don't want him to put me in the dungeon." "Don't you worry, as long as I am queen you will never see that dungeon." "But what if you aren't the queen?" "Then you have to worry because that will mean that they have killed your brother and me and are coming after the 4 of you or your brother has killed me and you will have to take it up with him."

She could see how furious he got when she mentioned that one of the reasons for her not being the queen would be that Octavian had killed her. "Thanks, sis, I love you, my Bella." He hugged her and kissed her as he walked off and she could tell that he was walking to go find Octavian and it made her both laugh and at the same time feel warm inside that they could love her so much.

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