Pg. 129

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All the girls jumped from their chairs and followed Natasha. After the heart attack they had when they saw their dress, they had been antsy to see their shoes especially since they knew it was a gift from Maximillian. They thought they were going to be prepared for seeing their shoes but then of course when it came down to it they weren't.

Natasha went to the shoe table the shoemaker had set up and called out the names on the top of the shoe boxes. Each girl took her box and Natasha told them not to open it until the last girl had her box then when she counted to 3 they could open the shoebox and see their shoes. When they did all you heard through the mansion were screams. Some put them on, others kept saying they were too beautiful to take out of the box or even use.

Others said the shoes wouldn't touch the floor because it would be a crime to dirty them and yet others believed someone who said they had to pay for the shoes and asked how much were they so they could see if they had enough, one of which was Palmaria, Tansia's friend. She was one of those very humble people, one as Natasha was in the human world.

"Palmaria, I don't know where you heard such nonsense but you don't have to pay for the shoes or the dress or anything all you have to do is enjoy yourself. These are gifts from me to you and the rest of the girls for being part of my bridal party and for helping me with my wedding arrangements. I couldn't do all this by myself in such a short time so from my beloved and I and Maximillian, these are our gifts." After which she winked at them and braced herself, as all the girls threw themselves at her hugging her although it looked more of a tackle.

Although she was underneath a bunch of rowdy and happy girls she could 'hear' that in a day they were removing Rebekah from the 'guest' room and she would be on her way to her new 'kingdom.' Natasha couldn't be happier even though she knew that she would see Rebekah at the wedding but she would be prepared. 

Natasha would later on talk to Octavian so that he would also ask the Council if it were possible to have extra security at their wedding and explain that the reason is that although by then Alaric and his group would be back but because Natasha as well as he know how Rebekah works and know somehow, she will find her way out of the Land of Souls and appear at the wedding. But the time for that will be later right now she would follow the girls to see when they jumped on Maximillian in thanks for the shoes.

Safira looked at her as she put her shoes away before going to thank her cousin, "what about your shoes Natasha?" "You haven't seen them, Safira?" "No, I haven't don't tell me the rest of the girls have seen them and I'm the only one who hasn't?" "No, Safira, come, you can thank your cousin later, come, my shoes are in my room you can tell me what you think of them."

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