Pg. 89

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Alaric came and took her by her arm, "Rebekah, it is time for the new couple to do their dance." Then addressing Octavian, "Since your parents are not here, the Judges have asked for a song that was one of their favorites to be played for your couple's dance. They hope that is fine with you." "Yes, that is fine with me and I'm sure it will also be fine with Natasha, thank you Alaric."

When he returned to Natasha, she smiled at him and said, "My love, now you will have to take a shower again as I saw the vampirizza trash, talking to you and even touching you almost made me want to throw up knowing that trash had touched you," he started laughing. "Oh, my love," then it hit him that she had said the word vampirizza which only his mother would say as she said it sounded more dignified in Italian.

"Natasha, my love, like I said, don't worry if you look you will see, they are watching her and she is just trying to see if you step out of place. She wants you to mess up, to show everyone that I picked someone who cannot own up to the name of Delacroix. That is why the Judges are going to start the dance early, they see how much of a fucking bitch she is being. Before I blow a casket on her, they rather the ball finish early so she can leave because although she was supposed to be here for the ceremony, nothing says she has to be here for the wedding."

She smiled and kissed him looking over his shoulders giving Rebekah a sinister look. The kind of look that says 'bitch you are messing with the wrong person, fuck off and forget we exist.' She could read or 'hear' thoughts now and could see that many liked her and others were saying she should be careful because Rebekah would hurt her. She started to laugh and Octavian asked her what happened, she said she just thought of something funny, it was nothing. 

As they were going to get onto the dance floor Octavian looked around and saw that not only was everyone looking at them but the Judges, his brothers, Alaric and his clan, and the clans that were against Rebekah all had their eyes watching Rebekah and her clan.

Although it did not matter, she considered Natasha a newborn, and by all vampire's eyes she was but no one knew that when Maximillian kissed her on the forehead it was as if he had breathed into her not only the knowledge of his mother but also the regality, and her powers. She was stronger than Rebekah and any of her clan but that would be seen on another day, today was the day for celebration not for competition.

When she started dancing with Octavian all eyes were on them except the ones that were on Rebekah and her clan. What mostly bothered Rebekah was that when Natasha came back in Victoire's red dress she also came back with different headgear. All that should have been hers.

This time the dress was accompanied by its crown. Before she was a simple fledging but now, she was a future princess of the mansion of Delacroix and future wife of prince Octavian Victorian Delacroix, although she would be satisfied with being just the future bride of Octavian Victorian Delacroix.

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