Pg. 126

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Once they were at the 'bar' before they entered, they wanted to make sure that Natasha, instead of having a bride slash, had on a bride 'tag' showing she was the bride which they made from the invitations. They had also made one for Octavian's grandmother and his aunt and were going to make one for Countess/Judge Elizabeth but she told them not to because on this night she wanted to be just one of the regular older women that was there to enjoy herself.

The majority of the older moroaicăs knew what had occurred to her and knew why she was so happy that Rebekah had been banished and they felt that she had a right to enjoy herself on this night but there were but a few that in secret said to each other that she shouldn't feel so happy because she never knew what may happen. Natasha took note of who they were because she knew sooner or later those who thought in this way would be a problem.

Natasha was happy that not only her powers of seeing but also hearing were stronger and from what she could tell fully developed. This was the only way she had 'heard' what the women had said and knew she could not enjoy her night without saying anything.

She walked over to the group of not more than 5 women standing and when Safira saw her walking that way, she knew something was wrong and was going to accompany her but Natasha raised her hand and Safira knew that meant 'just go inside, I got this.' 

With a smile on her face, she approached them, "Good evening, ladies, how are you doing on this night?" "We are doing fine." But each one of them inside seemed to tremble at being by her side and didn't know why. It felt as if a cold chill had entered their empty, soulless bodies.

"I'm glad you're all doing fine, ladies, on this night I would like for everyone to have fun and that includes Countess Elizabeth. And let me make something clear and get it out of the way, Rebekah is a good-for-nothing fucking waste of air. If she decides to cause any more ruckus or commotion before OR after my wedding or if anyone loyal to her decides to intervene in her sentence or tries to rescue her they will be ashes. Mark my words that it will be the last time anyone will see her disgusting face if she interferes in my wedding for the next time they see it, it will be ashes, now please, join us inside and get that stupid look off your face."

They were all amazed because they didn't know how she knew what they had said as there was no one around them when they had spoken. Now they knew why they were trembling as she stood next to them. She could have ripped their insides and they would not have known as she talked to them in a calm matter, with a beautiful smile, and never removed her stare from them.

Now everyone was asking what powers Natasha possessed and how as she was a newborn and they didn't have abilities quickly and they couldn't be transferred so how? Everyone just needed to be careful, especially Rebekah and her loyal followers. While the women talked about it as they entered they heard the music and saw Vlad and that became more important as they were not going to miss him so they hurried in. 

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