Pg. 94

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Judge Trenton seeing how the other Judges were talking to Maximillian decided to also join and before he went off to bed, "good evening, I wanted to touch on the Rebekah situation and that was that I was happy, her clan, the Shadow Covet clan were present and saw for themselves what occurred she couldn't lie to them. Although it is for her to manipulate them, from what I hear, some are forming allies right now as she is throwing her temper tantrum. Many of the Shadow Covet clan are getting sick of her and rather make way to another clan than to stay with her and try to kill her and fail and end up dead themselves."

Maximillian saw how all the Judges were on the same page and he liked that, he didn't have to ask himself how did they were because everyone knew they all stayed connected mentally in the case one was in trouble, he or she could reach out to the others for help. This has helped one or another on a couple of occasions, one or two involving Rebekah but although everyone knew it, it could never be proven and she was not able to be punished or banished.

"Another thing Maximillian," Judge Cassius had joined, "we want you to stay on not as the older big brother but as the prince that you also are, as the second prince in command so when something is wrong, you are there to take care of it as we trust your decisions next will be Cirino, Dario and then Edmondo, does this sound good to you?" "Yes, it does, and thank you," "You will all be named at the red moon ball, now friends let us get some rest, good night, Maximillian."

Judge Elizabeth had come in and was walking by Natasha and just to see her reaction, she took Natasha's hand, "my dear Natasha, future of our red moon, let me kiss your hand and say good night to you and your handsome soon to be bridegroom." 

But instead, Natasha took her hand and said, "Judge Elizabeth, it is I who should take you hand and kiss it for I am only of little knowledge next to you, only you will be able to help me gain the knowledge that I need to be the future of our red moon." And then she kissed her hand.

Elizabeth could not have been prouder at that moment. To her, it felt as if Natasha was her own daughter and this caused great emotion in her that a tear fell from her eye and onto Natasha's wrist creating a diamond bracelet. "Natasha, the bracelet that has formed on your wrist is the bracelet of eternity that came from my heart and no matter what may come your way you will never be hurt, this incantation I place on you and all that belongs to the house of Delacroix including all future children you may have with Octavian."

Elizabeth then kissed the front part of her hair when she did strands of her hair turned white and shiny as if diamond threads had gone throughout her black hair. As if she had diamond highlights, she looked beautiful. 

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