Pg. 57

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He was sitting in the garden waiting for her and when she stepped into the garden and he saw her, his eyes had never seen such beauty. And when she saw, him, she knew no one else was made for her, she didn't think that he was a creature of the night or a bloodsucker or something as such the only thing she thought about was the love she had for this man.  

As he looked at her as she walked towards him his thought was a star from the heavens above had fallen and landed into his heart as she was as bright and as beautiful as a star to him.

"My love, that is a beautiful dress but you are gorgeous and making the heavens jealous of your beauty. Thank you for accepting me for me and accepting that the love I feel for you is real and that I am not doing this because I want something else from you because you know that I can do that from so many others." "I know my love."

"Natasha, I need to ask you, you know that I have told you that with this change a considerable amount of pain will accompany it, and I need to be sure that you understand that, I don't want love to blind your decision as such again I ask you knowing the pain and all that you will go through, do you want to continue with the process and be my mate and the woman who will be with me through the ages?"

"Octavian, I love you and yes, I want to continue, pain is but a part of life that we go through in one way or another, by going through it this time I will be doing it in the name of love. Having found the man I love and want to spend the rest of my life with you and yes, for that I will accept the pain."

He kissed her because he loved her and also because he wanted to feel the sensations of her heart. He needed to see if she was nervous or trembling but she was calm and with that, she told him all he wanted to know and he could proceed. "Let us start my love." He had noticed she had thought of everything, she had even picked up her hair.

"Natasha Mattherson, after seeking eons and eons for someone I found everything I've wanted in you and know in my heart that you are my soulmate, as well as the mate that my heart has waited for. My wish is to possess you and make you mine. Nothing satisfies me more than when I see you and am close to you. On this night I will be your captor, hold you close to my heart, and bind you to me with the venom of my blood mixed with yours making you mine."

He held her as he sank his fangs into her neck vein, instantaneously she felt the poison of his body in her blood, and her veins felt as if they were on fire, her bones felt as if they were being crushed one by one when they reached her head, it felt like a migraine 100x's over, her ears hurt, her skin felt like it was being pulled from her bones.

The inside of her throat felt as if she were drinking in the Sahara Desert as dry as it was. She couldn't see clearly as her vision was blurry. Her stomach felt as if she had been throwing up for hours but for the love of the man that she had found she would do this over again although the pain was intense and she didn't know for how long it would be.

Octavian wished he could do something to alleviate her pain but he knew he couldn't, "my love I know you are hurting," "Baby, you can prick me with pain because it will revive me in pleasure for our love, my eyes will continue to look at you with the love of my heart because you changed me and drenched yourself on me now and forever for eons and eons."

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