Pg. 86

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Everyone followed the Judges towards the ballroom as the tradition was they always went first. Octavian looked at Natasha and seeing the color of her eyes and just knowing that now she was exactly like him and in a couple of weeks would be completely his, made him feel overjoyed.

He heard his brother's voice telling him, 'Congratulations little brother, I'm happy for you and I meant what I said, I promise to protect, honor, and obey her as I would mother for, she would be loved by mother as if she were her daughter, I am sure of that.' 

'How can you be sure Max?' 'Because when I kissed Natasha's forehead it was because mother was blessing her, herself. Another thing I didn't mention was that the Chapstick I have in my room has our mother's blood and before I entered the ceremony room, I placed some on my lips when I kissed Natasha's forehead it was as if Mother herself was kissing her and when my face lit up, it was because she had approved of Natasha and was happy.'

Octavian could not have been more thrilled with what Maximillian had just told him and a tear had formed in the corner of his eye, but before he could wipe it away or even respond to Maximillian who should come along with all her sarcasm? None other than Rebekah.

"Well, I guess congratulations are due," rapidly Maximillian's voice who was still in Octavian's mind said, 'although you want to tell her to fuck off, DON'T, that is what she wants. She doesn't want to be the instigator but at the same time is the one that will instigate with her words. Let her words just evaporate in the air as Natasha has done, show her you are more of a man than she thinks you are.'

He knew that Maximillian was right and he wanted this occasion to be special for Natasha since she knew what it truly meant. For that to happen, he needed to do exactly what Maximillian told him. "Thank you, Rebekah, for your congratulations and for joining us here today with your clan, would you be kind enough to join us in the ballroom?"

His grandmother was close by and was very proud of the way he had handled the situation. She also knew of the relationship between the Shadow Covet clan and all the other clans and the way Rebekah liked to differentiate herself from all the other Sires. She also knew of the past Rebekah had with her grandsons and Rebekah and was keeping an eye open, she didn't want someone so childish as Rebekah to ruin Natasha and Octavian's day.

Ambrosine also heard what Rebekah had said and she needed to help keep the peace, needed to continue making this day as wonderful as it was going for both of the people she loved and so she walked up to Rebekah, "Dear, how have you been? come, help me to the ballroom." Rebekah had no choice but to place her arm out as it was looked down on that a young one does not help an elder.

Rebekah was furious because she wanted to get Natasha's or at least Octavian's blood boiling but, in this case, Natasha's as she was a newborn. If only she knew that there was no way she could because when Maximillian kissed Natasha their mother's blood seeped in through her pores and she already had the blood of a royal in her and under no circumstance would she lower herself to trash human or otherwise.

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