Pg. 31

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His insides wanted her so much, he wished he could lay with her but not to fuck but to make sweet love to her but no, he would wait. "Thank you, Octavian," "Why my love?" "Because somehow with that one kiss, you have shown me a part of you which I hope you will explain and that I hope you will tell me all about you, I trembled the first time you touched me because I expected one thing but I don't feel that anymore and I feel you here," she touched her heart, "I hope that doesn't scare you or you think me silly."

"My love, my heart has been enclosed in a block of ice for a long time now, I have felt lonely, sad, and wishing for someone special to appear and here you show up. You have somehow started to melt the ice from my heart and shown me that the morning dew in the morning on the petals of a flower is your love on the petals of my heart that has fallen to wet it anew and beautify my soul again."

"My fair Natasha, you have given me what I have longed for and that is to have someone to be by my side to love, care, tend to, and have her do the same for me." He took her by the chin and lifted her head, kissing her again this time placing his arm around her waist and pulling her closer. She didn't resist, she knew in her heart this man would never hurt her and would be the man who would be her forever after.

"Natasha, I want you to know that you are neither my property nor my prisoner, you are my guest and with time I hope you will be so much more for in such little time I feel so close to you, and as you said, it may seem somewhat strange for something as such to happen but it is happening and maybe it is because that is a way of our minds and our hearts letting us know that we are meant for each other."

She liked his way of thinking and hugged him as she dared not kiss him and whispered in his ear, "I think you are right," she didn't know how hard it was for him not to just bite her right now and turn her as he could see her exposed neck and think not of feeding but think of how by biting her, he could have all he has wanted. 

"And my love, I will answer the questions you have of what you say you saw, I want you to know me and know who I am and I'm glad you are not scared, I don't want you to be scared of me ever."

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