Chapter 35

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Jack here!!!! I just want to shout...that's all.

Evil organizations such as those that wants to revive demon lords and evil gods are such common tapestry when it comes to "Isekai" novels, MMORPG and RPG, manga, and many more related stuffs and literature.

It is quite a cliche to have one of these, yet one also exist here it seems

The name of the organization was...

[Black Vipers.....what a lame ass organization name. Couldn't they use "WINGS OF FREEDOM" or perhaps "CHURCH OF THE EVIL GOD" or like "AXIS CULT( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" ?] seriously it was as if the people who named such group was lacking of knowledge regarding naming. Their group name is a combination of a color and an animal, a serpent to be precise.

But such agendas of theirs has to be stopped...hmm...but I do not want myself to get involved directly............Couldn't i use the Reapers and drones for that?....Nnnnnn I want to get hold of those Stalkers-san already, but it seems that my level is not enough for me to get hold of those for the moment.

[Will leveling up at the dungeon work for that?] I muttered while keeping the suspicious group in check.

Apparently I have 10 ticks modified to become Spy Ticks, a new device I created just for events like this. As for how many, I have already made 15 of this little fellas.

They are hiding on the cave ceiling stealthily as to not catch the attention of the people they are stalking at the meantime.

[I feel like some futuristic spy agent with this] agents double O2, or just the agent from the hitman game, or perhaps James Bond. Those guys are my favorite spies within the movies and games..

Hohohoho, my heart is racing due to excitement regarding the matter. I was so excited that I almost exposed myself. I am apparently at the dragons den and was observing it while it is peacefully sleeping. I need to protect it....

[I may probably disturb you, but it is also for you]

{Human...} (??)

[?! Who's there? Is it you?] i spoke to the red dragon who was sleeping.

{Yes, i already knew about what will happen due to the idiots outside. You sealed the place didn't you?} (??)

[Ah yes, since the organization behind the matter about forcing you to wake up and go berserk is on the move]

{I see......but just to be clear, it was not me who went on a rampage 1000 years ago. It was a group of humans that spread fake rumors during my hibernation} (??)

[ perhaps this is a completely separate case?]

{Yes as what you think, but the same organization is still involved albeit this must be something like the newer generations of them, the agenda is still the same} (??) It is the same as Shin's case, the dragon in front if me is capable of telepathy!!!! So cool!!!

[Nnn...but if they were to persist, arriving here may not be impossible]

{Then, can I ask of you human to do the job for me? If I were to do it with this body of mine...I doubt the mountain along with them and you will exist later on} (??)

[Yes! I will!] It will be game-over for me as well if the dragon will be the one to move...that is sure scary na...

{Then please do so, I ask of you human male. I will return to a deep slumber after this and I won't care as long as you won't allow them to get here at all cost} (??)

.....and then it became silent. I guess it is now back to sleep huh... Now will I make a harmless counter measure against the incoming intruders?

[Huh? For some reason, why are all of it mean and a bit cruel...mentally?]

The ones in my mind were:
-Erecting further more EARTH WALL
-making a trap
-rendering them unconscious using the arc star
-throwing them out
-chasing them out

The last two seems to be the same, yet these were all that came out of my mind. The first one is just simply cruel, but apparently effective since the will power of the intruder group is somehow dwindling greatly.

[Haa...what the heck?! This isn't right at all! Didn't we came here a week ago to survey this cave?] (??) While smacking the earth walls I have erected, they only saw a never ending wall of earth in front of them.

They are also quarreling due to the information accuracy they got, and even fight among themselves. Well, at least I did it harmlessly. They left while grumblingly fighting with each other.

[Hahahahaha] I Laughed my ass while at the dragon's den as I saw the scene if them leaving outside the cave entrance dejectedly.

{Pilot, visuals of 10 suspicious individuals are detected coming out of the cave entrance} (Northstar)

What I heard just now was the radio communication we have established since I need him to observe the outside for anything weird. I may have the map but I cannot be aware of that all the time right? Hence I am grateful for this long distance way of communication.

{Pilot, detecting multiple enemies coming up towards the group that came out} (Northstar)

[Can you give me a visual?]

{Acknowledged} (Northstar)

A real time video popped out in my view playing what is happening outside within Northstar's POV. A group of robed individuals riding horses are fast approaching. From his view, I can see that the group that failed where shaking to the boot.

[Are those perhaps the members of the Black Vipers? Northstar give me a good zoom at their figures]

{Acknowledged} (Northstar)

The faces were now bare as I can see who they are, their numbers reach up to 30 people consisting of men and women of different races.

All of a sudden...the 10 people were killed by being slashed with swords, chased by magic attacks, and being pushed to fall...

[Oh...that is more cruel] And they just left the dead bodies.......and scooted away.

Oh boy, this is more than what it seems.

{Pilot, requesting to use 2 Plasma Drones to scout and monitor the group} (Northstar)

[Denied, do not do it. Let us not try to raise their awareness about us]

[Acknowledged] (Northstar)

Black Vipers least they are now within my bucket list among one of the groups I want to monitor.

I then sealed the place and bid goodbye to the red dragon in mind. And Northstar then sent me back to Miruzo City while I am having thoughts as to how to deal with that group.

Fanfic: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilotDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora