Chapter 96

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Light flickered within the passageways of the mine which used to be abandoned before...right now there are footsteps that can be heard echoing within such a claustrophobia-inducing place.

There's no wind that has naturally reached here, rather with the help of ventilation systems, the air is being circulated here causing that mechanical sound of fans rotating in a centrifugal motion to dampen the footsteps.

[Where are they at?] A figure in white titan pilot suit speaks to the fox person beside him who was carrying a tablet around.

[In the cave. Duh.] (Cross) That group is us.

[I'm too tired for a tsukkomi, so I'll refrain refuting. What I meant is in what room or place are they located? My MAP is being interfered by something causing it to skew up the outline]

[well, we got some people... basically on most cameras. There's a couple in the generator room though, that might be a P.o.i?] (Cross)

[This is hard, right?] (Rynia)

I tossed a pulse blade towards the generator room...outlining two armed men sleeping while sitting on the crates.

[Nope, just a duo of lazy soldiers] This truly is hard as what Rynia said.

*incoming footsteps*

[Hide] I pulled Cross who was about to take out his favorite desert eagle and shoot the incoming soldiers

[Don't worry, I got it.] (Cross) he sits down on the ground and starts reading a newspaper...

What is he doing?!!!!

[Ah, here they come] (Rynia) Rynia and I cramped ourselves in between the gap that was nearby. Whereas Cross....just sat in the middle of the passageway while reading a damn newspaper!!!!!!!

I feel nervous...and this kid is the reason why I felt like 10 years of my lifespan has degraded.

[As I talked about man, those beauties sure are #####] (??)

[Ha? Their chests are busty right? It was such a joke that the chief told us that they're spirits] (??)

I heard their was too exhausting to listen to it.

[Oi oi~ can you see what I can see? Is that a kid?] (??)

[Oi brat, this place is not a place to read your daddy's newspaper] (??) They approached unknowingly....

[Look bud, I was told to come here so I can get my shit and start my first shift, but nooo, nobody came around, and I've been sitting here for a good... dunno, an hour? I've read this newspaper 3 times or so now, and it's boring!] (Cross) You said you were kill on sight?

[Oh? Never did I expect that the chief was that irresponsible. We'll guide you to the spot where we are going. There are high value targets being held there] (??) Bingo.

Does that mean the Yuki-Onna? I looked at Cross....for some reason a nasty grin was what formed at his lips.

[Jack...he is using illusion magic] (Rynia)

[Wha?] So that was why the two soldiers earlier looked so fine and did not open fire at Cross....

[That sounds like a good place to be then. Certainly more useful to be over there than here in the middle of nowhere.] (Cross)

[Sure, just follow us] (??)

These idiots...oh boy.

[Our new friend sure is fickle isn't he?] (Rynia) She giggles softly as we follow them at a distance.

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