Chapter 71

679 36 34

Jack here

Jealousy...isn't that the mild version of envy? Anyway a person I know is jealous towards another person, how do I deal with her?

Girls are really so difficult to deal with
The day of the raid came quickly, and so...there was a melancholic atmosphere spreading within the guest room I am together with Lushea and the other girls. Ellie is with her automatas deployed within Runoa Empire on the next room.

[You know that I have been unto events more dangerous than this?] I can count it with my fingers...the invasion of the Gargantuar Dragons, the event back then during my first dungeon dive, the fight with the BVO at the forest within the territory of Runoa Empire.

So...I have been unto 3 life threatening events?...why do I feel that there were more? Did I forgot about something.... was that place's invasion within one of Guardia Kingdom's city. But that was easily dealt, so it is not?

[If Jack dies...who's going to feed me delicious food like the dragon meat steak before?] (Lushea)

[You sonnovaa!!!! Take this!!!] I actually slapped her....

Slapped her with a slice of buttered bread....

[Muuu...why the cheeks? Cheeks do not eat, the mouth does! Nom!] (Lushea) She's more concerned about food matters than my's depressing even for a bit.

[But we trust that you're going to be okay, we have saw how you fought before so....] (Rynia) Ah...the conscience of our group....

[We did not need to worry about a single thing. Rather we're worried that your enemies are going to run out and you'll aim for your allies which is NG] (Cascadia) What is she implying though?

Oh...that is somehow heartwarming, except the words spoken latter by the mermaid legal loliko.

Anyway....I must tell them something....

[Hey, no matter what, please do not wait for me today. I'll be back tomorrow]

{Protecting the Unit Leader's companions is a must, I request all nearby personnel to watch over these three girls. Any suspicious people related to the BVO....shall be executed with brute and immediate force as soon as possible upon encounter}


The nearest Spectres and Stalkers responded. Good, I can rest assure that those guys can notify me if by chance an emergency happens.

{Support ship, this is Unit Leader. Support Ship "Honor" this is Unit Leader, I order you to move towards the spot where you can see the entire view of Runoa Empire}

{Copy that, this is the captain of support ship "Honor" Light support class ship speaking. Requesting the use of the railgun for the mission over} ()

(Author: i kind of find it hard, how do I name this character above?)

{Copy that, this is Unit Leader, the use of Railgun is permitted. I repeat, the usage of the Railgun is permitted over?}

{Roger that} () least I now have the eyes from space.

[Fine, I am planning to take these two to the guild tomorrow to do some quests. Also I am requesting you not to give anymore sweets to this fairy] (Rynia)

[Nuwah!? Why?! What did I for you to scorn me?!!!!] (Lushea)

[Haaa...Shea-chan is turning into a gluttonous monster. I am just genuinely worried about your behavior] (Rynia) As expected of the older sister like girl she is. Rynia is a reliable companion.

Fanfic: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilotUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum