Chapter 90

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Every winter back in the olden days, I would often go into the wolf park somewhere in the north part of America just to see another canine that is enjoying such cold weather.

[Freedom!] (Cross) Just now what I wanted to say is a fox, but Cross immediately dived into the pile of snow ahead of us. I guess being a foxkin has that influence as well.

[ cute~] (Cascadia)

[Want to dive as well?]

[No, it is somehow I'll pass] (Cascadia) She followed him, I guess she's smitten huh.

Damn cute boy and your cute antics....

[Master, I can sense multiple hostiles around the area] (Ciel)

[!_!] (Pilot MRVN)

[Hostiles?] (Cross) Why is he excited? His head emerged from the pile of snow, his ears perked up and his tail was wagging...are you a dog?!

[It seems that we're in the monster territory, hostiles such as snow abominations and snow golems are nearby as well] (Ciel)

I cannot even fight properly as I am carrying a person. My arms are occupied, nor would it be possible for me to even...wait.

[Ciel, do you think you'll be able to control another drone?] I crouched down and took out another Plasma Drone.


The drone was hovering above us, now there's two of them.

[I can] (Ciel)

[Okay, have one scout ahead of us while another on follow]

[Roger that] (Ciel)

Honestly even with the information provided by the Spaceship "Honor", being in this new place still made me feel anxious.

[Tell me if you find anything.] (Cross)

[Sure] I nodded at him, and Ciel as well.

It seems the boy is battle-ready too. The aura around him turned sharper as his senses searched for any nearby hostiles. I can notice that since his tail was noticeably raised as if telling me he's aware of his surroundings and that he's ready to pounce at anything he can find.

[Ugh...] (Sommia)

[Sorry, we cannot stay here for too long. We have to move and find a safe location for you to rest upon and recover]

[...Okay] (Sommia) Her face buries within my back as she forces herself to sleep.

I guess we'll be very busy
Jack here

New place, new experiences, new friends, and new foes.

Something like out of an anime is now something I am experiencing. Something too impossible is now possible...

However, I still don't know what the future has in store for all of us.

*Distant howling*

[Klappe da hinten!] (Cross)

*howling stops*

[?? What does that mean?]

[don't worry about it.] (Cross)

Time is 1:45 PM, the temperatures reached at -39*C so I have given each of them some warm clothing like thick winter suits as well as warming pads and gloves. However....I am genuinely worried over the boy who did not accept any other extra set of clothing.

Fanfic: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilotKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat