Chapter 73

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Author here....

Jus' bear with me, the next chapters were basically ideas that have come together all because I was watching some Fox movies referring to war and spies, yeah, basically hollywood BS. Some were historical movies that have originated from European countries.

Also...I also have been hooked at this Warhammer game, although I am still playing the single player ork purging campaign (SPPAAACEEEE MARRINNNEEESSSS!!!!!!), I feel like I am starting to become a soldier for the empire with this sh*t.

So, if you have any comments, praises, or criticism (*Heavy panting intensifies*) please type it down!!!!!

Umm...can you also include corrections?

-M Author

[Are you all ready?] (Marianne)

The frontal raiding team consisted of 3 people: Marianne, Tundra, and Hex were the main forces that shall be doing the frontal assault shall be accompanied by the intelligence units of 6 people under Marianne.

[Then may the gods be with us] (Marianne) Their group's shadow then blended with the environment as many shadows have formed within this area of the noble's district.

Little did they know that a Stalker was observing them through the sniper optics of a Kraber AP sniper.

{Detecting multiple heat signatures within the building} (Stalker Marksman 7) A specially done Stalker is concealed as it layed low within the top of the clock tower at the Capital Square. That was about 750 m away from the mansion.

{Good, just observe for now. Also your team shall be responsible for long ranged fire support}

{Roger that} (Stalker Marksman 7)
I have designated over 10 Stalkers to be equipped with the Kraber AP sniper. Although their setup is the usual, the weapons aren't.

Specially modified to be fit with the thermal scope as well as an onboard rangefinder to be fitted within the 10 Stalkers, they were augmented to be fit for this kind of situation wherein there are targets after thin walls.

[Sheesh~ this has become too dangerous for them. Ronin, I shall go out for now. Please be on standby]

[Roger that Pilot, and take care] (Ronin)


Well, when sh*t do come, all we can do is to come closer to deal with it. The situation calls for that, however I am aware that the BVO have tricks on their sleeves.

The Tyrant was an example, but I think there is more to that.

I then took a peek at the Stalker I have made to be a replacement for me within the raiding team.

[Okay! The plan we have made is to blast through the doors after the 1st team secure the fact that the targets are there. However if not, we shall be going on a rendezvous with them within the center and then look for information of their possible whereabouts] (Sahfra) The woman who failed to subdue me back at the port town was called Sahfra. Now that I have took a closer look at her...she is actually a docile looking character in opposition of her impulsive self.

[Now then, all we need to do is to wait] (Sahfra) So the same word "wait" is being done...I have heard that word a million times already.

I then made the Jack impostor to nod at her.

Guess the situation at that side is good, for now.

The ark still bugged me, just how did those guys got hold of it? That is the question that was circulating at my mind as of now, however no answer is being found as I really do not know.

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