Chapter 75

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[Something does not feel right] (Marianne) Successfully infiltrating the basement of the mansion, the 1st and 2nd group have joined together only to see a hallway littered with personnel...however these personnel that were on guard duty were killed with their necks slit open and some of them to have a small entry wound within their temples and some parts of their head.

[Whoever did this...has and have to come earlier than us] (Sahfra)

[Maam! *whispers* you may want to see these] (??) one if the intelligence units have opened one of the suspicious door and saw some slaves being chained around the room which was filthy and dark.

[Dear gods] (Marianne) covering her mouth in shock, she also saw some rotting corpse on the corner......

[Ruriiii!!!!!!] (Tundra) Tundra hugged the limp but alive body of her younger sister. She also saw her kin beside which made her cry.

[What in the....] (??)

[This is too much] (Laine) Albeit a vampire, this gory sight was a first for her.

[This is just...madness and cruelty] (??)

[Quick! Secure and know whether they are still alive...I hope so] (Marianne)

[[Yes]] Silently they moved towards the slaves and checked their conditions....all were on poor status and some are approaching their deaths already.

Marianne, she is an intelligence officer for almost 15 years of her life...however...this sight, event, and this madness that have filled her sight and environment was a first as well.

The elven lady who was participating the raid barfed within the corner as her friend, a dark elf, comforted her back.

[I believe we should rescue these people and evacuate them outside. I have a bad feeling about this] (Stalker: Jack) The Stalker, impersonating Jack, issued an idea that was all on their mind.

[But if we do that won't the BVO escape as well?] (??)

[No, I am sure they cannot. Someone I know is here already and is doing his best to purge them all] (Stalker: Jack) the Stalker was talking about the real Jack who was as of now doing things within the shadows.

Jack is already going towards the 2nd basement level. The stalker just received an order to evacuate and secure the slaves first.

[Also, we need to go out as fast as we can. I can detect a rise in energy levels beneath us] (Stalker: Jack) This was based on the real Jack, and Ronin's data that was gathered earlier.

[.......okay, we shall follow that] (Marianne)

[...fine, men move quickly and carry the evacuees towards the open area within the front yard] (??) Ronin already moved locations right now and is now currently standing within the front yard...with the huge ass shotgun in hand and the broadsword in the back.

{Take the front yard position}

{Roger that} (Ronin) This was the conversation happening within the comms in which was the reason why Ronin moved towards the front yard exposing its figure.

[What the?!] (??)

[Ah so not worry. That is with us] (Stalker: Jack)

The group was surprised to see Ronin's intimidating size and form along with the weapon on its disposal.

[Intelligence units and individuals of the Empire, I am here to assist you so do not worry] (Ronin) A deep robotic and monotonous voice came out of the speakers making Ronin to actually speak what was made by its AI system.

Fanfic: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilotNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ