Chapter 4

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[Haa~ inn beddings are stiff but it is better than none] i am currently lying on a hard bed on a cheap inn. And trust is very uncomfortable since the feeling is same as if it's your first time using a bed you have newly bought. Furthermore it was the cheapest bed together with the cheapest mattress.

I decided to stay at a cheap one at the moment since my money is probably not enough to provide me a stay at an expensive inn after all....i only have remaining 20gold coins with me together with some silver and 205 copper coins with me. The amount seems to be plenty enough for me to stay at a high quality inn, but i chose not to since money is important after all, no money is no life.

Nonetheless, that's my only complaint regarding the inn i am staying at the moment. The fact that the room provided a drawer, a chair and table, and a gas lamp for only 15 coppers per day is already enough. I booked my stay here for about 13 days so that cost me 195 coppers in total.

The average amount of money a person uses daily is 10 coppers, the rich would be silver to a gold, need not to tell about royalties and nobles together with merchants since those kinds of people would spend money that can make the commoner's eye pop out.

Food?? Well.... it is better not to ask as to how it was all plain salty since this was a cheap inn....there was no spice due to the price of spices being high in the market.

I might get kidney stones eating those food 2-3 times a day, just thinking about it made my body shiver, after all, ones health is his/her greatest asset in life.

[ i should earn money , just lying here and staring at the ceiling is unproductive]

Fixing my clothes, i left the inn and strolled the town as i eat the skewers I bought earlier. People who i passed by were wearing armors, carrying swords, staffs and bows were probably the said "Adventurers" who does miscellaneous tasks under the point of earning money and rising through their ranks. I just passed by a lady with huge assets....damn...those are big guns....

It is hard to look for a job suited for a person like me, i hate trouble after all, but it seems I'm getting cornered about the matter of everyday living here, that is money.

Everything is money after all:
•food needs money
•buying items needs money
•healing needs money

Well...i learned all of this through my keen observation skills. People tends to carefully budget their money here since this city alone had many stores, stalls and small shops that deals with various merchandises.

[It would be better if I become an adventurer huh.......] if i were to find a job that deals with calculation, a merchant's shop should do but it seems all of the said shops were full and there are no vacancies available.
So i chose being an adventurer in the end.


I hope I won't encounter a cliche situation wherein I'll get tripped at by strangers due to me being a new adventurer, that is a staple for fantasy, i mean a very common situation i always find when reading Japanese light novels.

But...will i pass if by chance it comes with an examination?.....mah! Let's just go at the meantime, there's no harm if i try.


While on the way, i asked several people about the adventurer's guild location......i arrived fast due to that....but.....

[I didn't expect it was this big.....]

In front of me is a 5 story, intricately designed building with a width of 50 meters, length of over 25, and a height of over 40 meters(average of about 8 meters per floor). Simply, it is just big.

Adventurers and clients who post their requests are coming in and out of the guild building, since it was almost noon, the frequency and quantity were larger.

I wonder, do they apply a lunch break system for their employees?

Entering the guild with this thoughts in mind, i was greeted with a scene not the one i thought of earlier.

[It is]

The place was crowded,yes, but the guild actually applies a number-client style for waiting. A person gets a tag with a corresponding number unto it, he/she then sats at the chairs available at the lobby or just stand and lean on the sides while waiting for your turn. Then as your number gets called by the corresponding receptionist desk, you will go there, hand the tag and tell your purpose.

[That is surprising]

I then followed what the people did, i got a tag with a #56 on it and sat at the nearest seat close to me.

This feels like paying your bills on the payment center, or waiting for your turn at the bank. Just seeing this erased all of my earlier thoughts of the place being too rowdy, noisy, and unorganized. sure is amazing here at the other world,right?


My number was called by the person on the #6 table, i then proceed their and hand him the tag.

[Good day, what can i do for you?](??)

A handsome blond haired man with green eyes entertained me as soon as i hand over the tag. Green eyes.......that's rare if you talk about that on earth, but in is actually common.

[Uhh...can i register as an adventurer?]

I hope the cliche won't happen!!!!

[Sure, give me your ID card](??)

Goodness! It seems my fear did not come. I then handed him my ID.

He then takes it and inserts it on a slot i can see on the device he had put on top of the table, inserting it there, my id shone on the back portion of it.

[It is done already, the ID you have can act as a card holder for multiple guild cards so pay that in mind that if the ID card is lost please report it immediately to any of the guilds](??)

[Okay] i then left the area, he didn't explain it to me so made sure about the potential rules inside the guild:

•never cheat, it is actually useless if you do so

•don't fake the card, punishment will likely to occur to you

•abide by the guild rules

But I don't know about the others, if there are. The 3 i mentioned were something i heard while waiting back at the lobby.

Currently i am looking at the notice board where tons of quest were available. Peeking at my card, there i can see my personal info written and also my rank.

[ a new adventurer huh]

Gazing at the notice board, i made my way to where i can find F rank quests, and these are the ones i have found:

•goblin subjugation

•Mariol Grass collection

•Lifting of delivered cargoes

•Delivering of Steel Materials

Yep....these were the only ones i found....all seems to be comprehensible regarding as to what you will do. Observing the adventurers present near the notice board, they peeled their desired quest and get a tag.

Hoo———seems like it is fairly easy to register a quest. So i copied their action and peeled the goblin subjugation quest and got myself a tag with #12 on it.

At least i got myself a job, now, all i need to do is to finish the quest i took and then take another again.

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