Chapter 2

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The path to Miruzo City is....still very long. 140 km is still very legs are strange. Maybe my walking speed increased due to the AGILITY stat? Perhaps...

I have walked about no let's say i have been running for almost 61 km since morning after the travel towards the river which was about 50 km as well...and i was still not exhausted though my mind is. Earth's physics may not be the same here, maybe the gravity is different?

It's already 5:45 pm and the sun is already setting and the darkness is starting to spread across the horizon, moreover monsters are now beginning to become active.

[I should secure a place to sleep]

Somehow I'm afraid that sleeping in an open area is dangerous...should i try sleeping at a tall tree....i can use the grappling hook to climb or the belt thrusters to reach farther places.

I tried it..

[[Grappling Hook]..........uoooohhh!!!!]

Suddenly springing from my right arm, a cord with a grappler on its tip shot out and grabbed a nearby tree branch, pulling me unto it. Though it was sudden, i was able to secure a footing over the branch and it's sturdy actually.

[This should do right?]

Trying to lie on the branch, i was able to. Though it's hard but at least I'm secured up here no monsters nor people shall sense me here.

Opening inventory, i took out some fruits and ate it quickly to avoid nearby individuals to sense me up here.

I wonder should i deploy a plasma drone and have it patrol the area....let's try it.

Opening inventory, i took out a disk arranged plasma drone. It was still on storage and transport mode so i pressed the button below the camera.

*Pika...* (Button clicking sfx?)

The hover engine started but it was only vibrating, it then popped itself into its combat mode by flipping its body and arranging the camera part and its weapon.

[Wow....never did imagine myself controlling one of this how do i.....there's actually a controller provided]

There was controller screen on its side so I detached that and took it near me. It's similar to a certain game console but with a bigger screen and various controls.

[There's forward, side ward, backward, descend and ascend buttons. Then there's also a firing button and a self if it's decided that if caught you can just remotely destroy it to avoid evidence or proof.......] Self-destruct-inator...

Removing the unnecessary thoughts, i then controlled the drone and ascended it to 20 m up in the air, it activated night vision automatically and there's also a thermal vision option.

[Wow....the depth and clarity of the real-time video being projected is so clear....there's also a rangefinder?!]

My feeling right now is the same as that of a child getting his favorite toy or being gifted with a puppy or kitten.

Pressing the ascend button, it reached an altitude of about 20 m up in the air, there was no sound produced since its turbine propeller is wonderfully designed to minimize noise.

Now, on the control screen there is a night vision mode and thermal imaging mode, then there's also a crosshair for sights. The rangefinder is beside the crosshair and it can indicate a target at least 1 km away.

[Sweet, so let's have it scout the area]

Moving along with the controls, i had it kill a sleeping boar and 5 goblins.....yeah those green skinned ugly bastards with the same height of a 6th grader.

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