Chapter 27

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Jack Cooper here—

Have you ever tried making your dog angry to the point that it bit you?

Sorry to ask, but I don't have a dog, nor a cat to begin with so i probably won't know your pain.

But as always, if bitten, please do wash the wound with soap and water, disinfect the wound with antiseptic and take yourself to the doctor, you might become rabid later on.

Like a dragon, the 1st head suddenly breathed flame
so hot that it turned where i was originally standing to cinders.....damn.

[Damn, I am really lucky to have dodged that attack] If I didn't, I would be dead by now.

Sweat have began to form around my forehead as i think of various scenarios about my own death, but hey! I also thought of a way to deal damage to the three headed plant mutt.

[!!!!!] (??) Its second try to breath fire was suddenly stopped as I shut its mouth close, but i also dealt damage as its own breath was swallowed causing harm to the three headed plant mutt.

The head seems to have died, so the only remaining threat left were the 2nd and 3rd head. Seemingly, they are quite furious that the 1st head dying and their eyes glowed with whatever their attributes are.

[*Howl!!!!*] (??) Damn, that hurt my ears. It howled like crazy and summons a league of ivy hounds.

[Hahahaha, as if you are the only one with a trump card! Deploy Scorch!]

{Standby for TitanFall-} The usual cinematic caused the enemies to look up in the sky and see the incoming Titan of mine.

Landing with a huge thud and causing disorientation to the enemies, i then boarded up on him without it telling me its usual dialogue.

[Let's do this!] It my seem useless to talk with this big guy, but at least they always respond with a word or two.

[Acknowledged—] (Scorch)

Readying its T-203 Thermite GL, I made some distance between us and the Three headed plant mutt. Though it may seem disadvantageous, having the distance of about 46 meters was a perfect range for Scorch to do an all around attack towards the enemy.



A butt plug flew towards the enemy and explodes right unto the 2nd head's face.

[Guraaaaaawwwwwwoooooo!!!] (??) Irritated, it aimlessly shoots Lightning bolt around the place causing both destruction to the terrain and to us as well.

[Scorch, integrity report!]

[Suffering 13% damage, chassis is under good condition] (Scorch)

Shit, i need to find a way to kill that, but i first need to deal with the ivy mutts around us.

[Eat this!] Scorch stomps and rushes towards the incoming ivy hounds, squashes them one by one due to the heavy weight he had.

[Activate Ordnance!]

[Acknowledged—] (Scorch)

A firewall bursted right in front of us, incinerating a pile of incoming enemies and making the ground too hot for contact.

[Dodged to the side!] Even if i were to control Scorch, the senses of his was still connected to me but we were still preoccupied with the ivy hounds around. The three headed ivy hound, which only had two heads now, saw this as an opportunity to attack,  but it failed.

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