Chapter 70

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My wrist still hurts, not from beating the meat okay?!!! Seriously, my wrist hurts like hell that it also affected how my fingers were. Anyway this section even took me almost 4 minutes to slowly type

Anyway here's the 3rd (out of 5) chapter for this month
Why do people fight?

Well...I might say that is to measure the strength of both physical and the mental ability of the people going to spar....but why her of all people?

[Hey, I have met you before right?] (Tundra) She readies her swords, and was saying those generic lines from an enemy of the past. I give a lie at this point? Will that be even useful? Apparently...I do not know.

[Haah......Yes we did, although my memory was vague about our encounter, but I also think we have met before] Ah!! Damn it, I really said it with those. Will she accept it or not?

I took a peek at the audience, Ellie and the girls along with the Empress was just watching...Lushea was snacking on some popcorn too. Does she even give a care to me when eating...ah she waved her caramelized hand.

[Hmmm....too vague you say? We shall tackle that later on. Jack was it, let us fight!] (Tundra) Ah......somehow her attitude is same as that of Rynia before....

Both girls are also muscle brains. That is a fact.

I was even took aback when she approached my position in a blink of an eye. Instant transmission!!!!!???

Sh*t! Gotta dodge those slashes!

[Why are you only dodging!!?? Give me a graceful exchange too!!!] (Tundra)

This fox girl! What does she think an archer is?! I cannot even put my mind to draw the string as it can took me some time to do so, even loading the arrow is a pain to deal with.

Nevertheless, I was doing some hawkeye moves here and there to dodge this woman's quick attacks in successions.

[Eat this!] I successfully launched an arrow towards her as she leaped through the air.

Dodge that!

[Muda Muda Muda!!! ahahahaha~!] (Tundra)

[.........] Horriiii Sheettt!!!! This fox girl was able to do a double jump and evaded the incoming arrow.

Damn, I did not expect that.

[Hooo...I see, a user of wind magic then I presume? I guess I also have to be serious huh] I formulated a 10 second plan as I continued to evade her attacks.

I admit, I lack the knowledge of this combat style, however.....

I am not an archer, nor a swordman.....

[Ahahahaha, let us do this then! You want me to be serious you say? Bring it on!] I put the bow at my back and began to execute my plan, albeit emptyhanded

The plan I am talking about is to approach her head on. However the problem with my 10 second plan has a 50:50 chance of failing or success.

This involves a crucial process of concentrating my eyes towards evasion of her attacks, the reason for that is simple, but let me take the line of a famous isekai protagonist....

[Even if you're a woman, I would prioritize gender equality!!!!!!!!!!] stupid.


[Argh!] (Tundra) That was to punch her guts, specifically her solar plexus where it is a weak point for humanoids including humans, which should also go for the beastmen or beastkin.

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