Chapter 25

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Jack Cooper here—

Have you ever been on an excursion trip during your school days? For me, yes i did, but some memories need to be hidden especially those embarrassing moments....for example....that time when my female classmate saw me piss on a tree and saw....yeah....that is all, it is actually better not to tell anymore of the pages of my dark history or perhaps to forget what i have just said.

We have only walked for now since the number of settlements we have passed has increased. Lushea as of now was within the cloak that i have worn. Only peeking a view from my hood, she looks like a cat who is hiding. NorthStar by the way, was called off sometime ago.

[Shea is comfortable here though—] (Lushea) I asked her if she was fine inside my cloak, and that was her answer.

I am now on my adventuring clothes, but i wore an extra layer such as the cloak i am wearing now. It was a dark brownish coat that offers magic resistance and a passive skill called "Presence Blurring", an enchantment that allows the user's presence to blur when a monster or an enemy is nearby.

[Let us take a break for now]

[Uhn-] (Lushea) Though when i said that, she still remained on my cloak. The sight of letting something inside my cloak drink water from the canteen sure is mysterious.

On my map, we are now 400 km nearer to our destination. Now............that is hecka far!!!!!!!

[Umm.....Jack-san, there is a shortcut that Shea knows that will allow us to arrive at the forest immediately after crossing that] (Lushea) A shortcut?

[What sort of shortcut is it?] I then searched for potential shortcuts to the forest of mysticism, there was one. It was a waterfall approximately 10 kilometers away from us.

[It is a small waterfall that should be near to us by now, beneath the curtain of falling water is a magic formation that only fairy's can cross and activate] (Lushea) I see, sort of like the portals that some MMORPGs have that shortens the distance to be is nostalgic.

[Then let us search for that] Tightening her grip on my leather strap, we then moved on and went to where the waterfall was. It was really strong since we can already hear the sound of the water's falling motion and the sound of its strong gushing pressure. A mist can also be seen even at our distance.

[That is it—] (Lushea) Moving out of my cloak, she then flew to the waterfall. In order for me to not lose sight of her, i immediately rushed to where she went by running with large strides.

[Amazing—] The waterfalls was a bit huge in size, but in my map there is a cave beneath the flow of water.

[To enter there, we need to first find the cave opening nearby] (Lushea) Following her guidance, she is now seemingly similar to a certain fairy that is a popular supporting character of a certain popular RPG.

The cave she meant was a small opening beside the waterfall. About the size of 5 adults, that's the amount of people that can fit on the opening. Bats have also lingered the cave ceiling ahead so I took some flash bang and tossed it to their direction.

[Kiiiiiiikikikikiki—] (??) Their sensitive ears were suddenly filled  a deafening burst of strong sound of boom, and that also hurt our ears slightly.

After exploring the dark cave for about an hour, we then arrived at the place beneath the waterfalls. Many transparent light crystals have illuminated the place as soon as we arrived which is mystifying. Mushrooms that have healing properties have also grew at the are, we collected some and stored it at my inventory.

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