Chapter 69

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Jack here! 😗

It seems that the others have started their diary...I wonder how the ones I have wrote turn out to be?

Those and that were the thoughts of the author after all, as if I can judge it

The scene of what I am now was very familiar to me, no matter how different the situation is from that time compared right be honest the scenario right now was exactly like that.

Flags donned in red and black colour that had a regal accent was what filled my view as I arrived at the throne room minutes after Ellie told me to go here.

Luckily there are no audiences watching the dumbfounded me who was dazed in watching such place again.

[The heck? Why do I feel like a child at this place anyway?] I then increased my pace of walk and then saw the Empress along with 5 other people standing in front of the throne.

The Empress at the throne looked intimidating.

[Oho? You have come finally, Jack Cooper, companion of the Imperial Magician Minerveta] (Yullia) Eh? Since when did I got that title anyway? I also haven't appraised my status for a long time now....but I did it recently right?

[I am deeply sorry for my tardiness] I bowed my head in apology. I do not want to do some sort of disrespect to the leader of this country, to this Empire after all.

[Now that all of you six have finally gathered, I will not tell you about the reason why I called all of you] (Yullia) Speaking of the others...just to tell...all of them are girls.

At least bring a guy too...being in this country is too much for me...haist....

[The reason for that is simple...I actually want all of you 6 to deal with the accursed organisation that have plagued this Empire for centuries, as you all guessed, it is the Black Vipers Organisation] (Yullia) Good thing she said it, now I have confirmed that she is also against the organisation itself.

[I know all of you are busy, but please participate in the raid that is going to happen a week from now. The briefing shall be done by General Kera there, General the floor is yours] (Yullia) And this General is also a woman....but she was ripped. She had abs, muscles, and a sharp face similar to a predator eyeing a prey. Scary

[All of you, a briefing shall be held within the meeting room, if you do not know where it is then ask the servants of this castle. Second, all of you shall be put to a test to certify whether you shall be a help or not, clear?] (Kera) Is it just me or that all of them have their eyes pasted on me?


[Okay, let us go to the training ground for the knights at the yard within the castle area] (Kera) The people who were with me then proceed to follow the general, I looked at the Empress and she only gave a wink and a wicked smile...................................................why does that feel that something bad shall happen later?

Why are there so many bad omens being found out here? I really want to ask why my stomach is also having some butterflies (Metaphor)?

Nah, it is pointless to worry after all. For now I followed the bunch and proceeded with them towards the said training grounds.

To be honest, all of the knights here are red heads many red heads. I can only count with my fingers of my hand as to how many participants are not red haired individual.

[Okay, first and foremost what needs to be done is the combat and situation assessment, today we shall also have a new companion that we have rescued from one of the camps we have raided before] (Kera) And me oh me...................I never realised that I shall see her once again.

[....stare] (??) It was the fox woman whom I saved before.

WHY IS SHE HERE?! I thought she was at that continent? Did the BVO somehow kidnapped her along with others (There are other fox-kins within her group) who are also present here?

Wow...just how much effort did those BVO put to capture these animal people?

[This is Tundra, she along with others shall assist us in the raid later on. She has already finished her combat and situation assesment so it is now only left at you guys to do it] (Kera)

The Tundra girl then sniffed the air...and stared sharply at me.

Shit....did she remembered me? I hope she did not.

[So get your desired dull weapon at that rack over there and assemble in 5 minutes!] (Kera) Sheesh this general...she is too much, probably she can be a strict PE teacher with how she was instructing us. But would a PE teacher even tell their students [pick a weapon and fight to death!], that is too impossible.

As for what weapon I have chosen, it was the bow and a quiver filled with 20 training tipped arrows (arrow tips that are dull and are round in shape...still packs a punch though). The bow was a short bow that had good shape for recovering after a shot, the bowstring was made of some unknown cord though.

I am a distance-based attacker after all, a titan pilot is mostly like that. Any CQB are too minimal especially for me who was mostly spamming the fire button or doing some quick burst successions to hit enemies frequently. I was also a camper back in the days (which sucked) during that time I was still a beginner at the game, practising some stuffs, and then pacing myself on how to deal with the game's physics such as double jumps, flying shots (shooting the Kraber while doing a grappling  hook to the ceiling and walls like Tarzan), and many more.

So the bow and arrows should be closer to that ideal combat situation like mine. As for the chose a Pollax (Pole Axe) or probably that was a Halberd, someone chose a spear, a dagger, a sword, a crossbow. I actually want to get the crossbow but I think that the design for that was so bad for short-range shooting.

[So you have chosen your weapons,now we shall start the assessment right away] (Kera)

And so, an assessment will start, but after seeing who were the audience at the back became drenched in cold sweat for the audience were the Empress herself and her daughter the 3rd princess,  Ellie and the girls, some servants, some knights, and the intelligence unit led by the Marianne woman and that ambush woman back at the port town.

Sucks to be me huh....why?

I am facing the Tundra-foxgirl who was sharply staring at me. Her eyes pierced like swords that somehow made my back feel this what they call intimidation?

The feeling of being so little in front of someone due to their overwhelming presence? This is it right? It has to be.

Anyway Tundra was equipped with two short swords. Her fox ears were moving left and right, her tail too...somehow it was cute.

[So Jack, Tundra has decided that you shall be her opponent for the assessment.  Good luck with that] (Kera) And damn.....................

It seems that I have to fight a person I have been acquainted before. The one I have met back in Altair Continent, and one of the members of the Foxter Tribe.

Fanfic: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilotحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن