Chapter 29

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Author here ( '∀`)
This will be a short one since the next chapters will be the start of a certain for me, classes will apparently start at 1-25, so yeah.....just take care of me.

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-Author ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Jack here!

Have you ever introduced yourself in front of others but the words just won't come out?

That's normal, i guess. But the main thought is just....

You're just shy, more like too shy that your introvert ass just keeps on telling you not to talk.
Say...when many eyes peers over you at an unfamiliar place after arriving, won't you naturally become shy?

A whole council of the races that lived at this forest have gathered in the castle. There were some races I am familiar of and some i do not. Example is the small hairy being that only talks with "Wiwiwi".

[You have arrived safe my dear] (??)

A handsome man voices his thoughts as soon as we found ourselves a seat to sat unto. He was a man with green hair, green eyes, and pale rosy skin. Calling him a beautiful man would be much more accurate, and here I am the ugly sure is unfair in many ways.


My seat mate looks at me with a concerned face, I only returned my eyes towards the person earlier.

[Yes father, though Shea request not to use that method anymore] (Lushea)

Just as I guess, it was as if she was made to become a slave intentionally. The council becomes noisy as they talk over other things.

[Okay, let us not dilly dally anymore. The reason why the council had been called now is because of an impending crisis that is not just arising here at the forest but also at the human kingdoms as well. These and that are still things we have not know as to why it happened] (??) He was Shea's father. But.....I suddenly raised my hand.

[What is it?] (??)

[Can I ask it first as to what this crisis is? I felt being out of place here]

[No need to rush young human man, the crisis we are all talking about is the appearance of monster stampedes all over the world. Currently we have spotted one inside the forest and has already caused damage with cases of death] (??)

Monster stampede huh....guess this makes my job to become more tedious later on. The fact that I am here...must be because I can be of help.

[Currently we have spotted 3 swarms, and these 3 I am talking about is currently being suppressed by our forest warriors. You human, what is your name?] (??)

[I am Jack! Sir!] His aura suddenly sharpens to me...making me straighten my back and answer to him like he was a military instructor.

[Jack, we here know what you are capable of since my daughter has been sending us information about you. By the way I am her father, Adria, nice to meet you savior of my daughter. If by chance you did not retrieved her she would have been a toy for an ugly bastard as of now] (Adria)

Ugh....I somehow imagined Shea to become a plaything for an ugly bastard does not look good at all. At all!!

[That does.....not seems good to imagine is it not?] My face scrunched up due to the scene I pictures at my ugly bastard together with a loli reeks of crime and rape like at those doujins....

[We sincerely thank you for saving her, but that was also for a cause. The main reason was the oracle she received 5 years ago] (Adria)

Oracle? A prophecy? From whom?

[Okay...but about what?]

[What was stated was a hidden gem, a diamond in the mud, to be precise it was you. A person summoned not as a hero, but as one of those that had the power to destroy the world...but it was prophesied that the man who was you, is a gentle person and will use his power and abilities for good. Hence my daughter who received it did find you hastily while clutching on her fate tied to you] (Adria)

So that was the cause why she was enslaved?.....Now I feel like I now know how fairies act, they do their actions on an impulse, more like they have this impulsive nature once they decide on the things they want to do. Shea was one....I sure am glad that it was me who encountered her and saved her....

[Wait, since the matter regarding that was now answered, what am I gonna do now that I am here?]

The king of fairies....heaved a heavy and long sigh...then spoke.

[I want you to assist us in this matter since it will affect other kingdoms and countries once this matter gets out of hand...The other kingdoms I have just said are currently doing their best to summon heroes from the other world] (Adria)

[I see....can I do it in my own way?]

When I said that, the noise echoing around the hall suddenly died down and their attention all came back to me.

[Yes you should Jack-dono but are you confident that you can do it?  This matter is something that only you can be of help so you have the freedom to do it your way. Just make sure that the others won't be caught in whatever dangerous plan you will do] (??) The one who answered my question was a beast-kin under the bear tribe, black bear to be precise.

So that means....I can do "that" way....I only got to use that once and never again since it was quite a sight. If I use those guys....then this matter may be solved within days.

[So, does anyone have any objections that this human, Jack, who will help us in exterminating the swarm of monsters that are plaguing our forest?] (Adria)

His voice was so loud despite his appearance, but it resounded at every corner and sides of this very wide hall.

[None at all!](??)

All affirmed, the last one was incomprehensible for me but according to the was none.

[Then Jack of the humans, you are free to act at this matter. We of the forest residents believes in your ability and power, may the gods bless you] (Adria)

And thus....the reason for why I came here was not brought to light. Maybe it was a coincidence that I would like to visit this place just to send Lushea back home, but instead I was now tasked to help them for a certain critical problem....

[Oh boy....this will be chaotic tomorrow]

And I left the room and went to a certain vacant space outside the territory of the Fairy Kingdom...for preparations of course!!!

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