Chapter 51

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Jack here

...just so anyone would know...I am not knowledgeable with ship parts, directions, where it faces, and...the parts.

I am not a ship or a boat person okay! Since I mainly use the plane and 4 wheel drive to travel within and out of the country.

So riding a ship, moreover an old one, is a very new and fresh experience for me.
[Wow~!!!!] (Lushea) As the sails push the ship towards our destination. A fairy was happily and was shouting "Wow!!!" For a long time now. Causing me to be quite ticked for the redundant noise.

[The sea sure is calm today, after all a storm has recently thinned out days ago] (??) Where are we at the ship? We are currently at the captain's deck. Lushea was on the top of the mast just looking at the wide horizon ahead.

[Oi! Just be careful you won't fall from there!]

[Shea knows!!!] (Lushea)

[Ya got one childish lass as ya familiar ei- any way lad, I am Calypso, the captain of this ship I named Black Lagoon] (Calypso)

[I see...nice to meet you too. Name is Jack] I guess it's customary not to fully give the full name.

We are only here since....she knows that the two if us can use magic that can eliminate monsters. a way she said a while ago, I cannot deny that we really can.

But I cannot use any of my pilot skills nor can I summon a Titan around here. So the usage of those will be prohibited for now. But I am still receiving the broadcast of messages from my Stalkers and Spectres squadrons.

We are now sailing somewhere at the sea near the High Marten territory, but since a war have recently finished...passing here won't be a problem anymore.

[So...I guess the normal enemies at the seas would be pirates presumably?]

[Well lass...yes, but actually no. There's still those sea critters and large monsters like the slimy sea serpent or the swarms of arrow fish, and the fast traveling swift arrow fish] (Calypso) Her tone somehow shifts from the Australian like accent to a British one, and to a normal English accent.....this woman is so hard to understand.

[Squaakk~ wind changed wind changed!] (??) The parrot like being alarms her as the winds change its course...huh...

[Something ain't right lass. Tell your fairy-chan to go down] (Calypso) There was no need to, Lushea was already beside me quivering.

[What happened to you?] She was shaking down to the boot. Her bob cut hair was shaking like some sort of pompom.

[J-Jack-san! You can't sense the dreary atmosphere? The spirits around me especially the water spirits are warning me that a large being will—] (Lushea)


All of a sudden....the sea around the star board rippling like crazy.

[Incoming monster!!!!! Ready the cannons!] (Calypso)

[Aye aye!!!] (????) The men at the deck were now scrambling to reload gun powder and cannon balls at the cannons as those at the side said were now aiming at the direction where the water was rippling.

All of a sudden the waves for stronger...

And it appeared on my map.

2 kilometers deep at 3 knots was a super massive being.....

It traveled to the surface at an alarming speed.......and what burst out of the water was...

[Kraken!!!!!!!] (????) It was a tentacle with suckers that have teeth on it.

Numerous tentacles got out of the water one by one as the people at the ship were gathering their courage.

[Fire!!!!!] (Calypso)

[Fire in the hole!!!!] (??)

The cannons boomed and the dark cannon balls traveled fast to the kraken...but that only was for naught.

[The cannon is not damaging it!!!!] (??)

It was that, I mean that is a cephalopod so the flesh and its skin would be squishy that most projectiles have no use at it.

[Well I guess it is showtime!!!!! Eat this takoyaki guy!!!!! <<ICE LANCE>>!!!!!] (Lushea)

An icicle with a length of 2 meters shoot out in front of Lushea after a magic circle appeared. It lodged directly at the kraken's eye.

[Kishhaaaa!!!!!] (??) What?! The kraken screamed...more like a strong screech was created by its body after the damage has been done.

That alone, the kraken ejected jets of black ink, causing the surrounding waters to fo cloudy black.

[Sh•t!!! The kraken is retreating at the water!!! Shoot that bastard!!!!] (Calypso)

The cannon balls were very ineffective hence what the sailors were shooting are crossbow bolts and harpoons towards the kraken...

Haa—h when I said that I will not use my pilot skills, I dis not mean also my inventory.

As the others were busy, I slowly took out 10 satchel charges...and tied them together with a rope tightly. I only took out 1 remote detonator and immediately moved my feet towards the bow.

[What are you going to do?] (Calypso)

[Erm...just throwing something to the water]

[Huh?] (Calypso)

I cannot allow this kraken to ruin my long awaited trip in the sea....

[Say hello to my little friend, mister Kraken—Seii!!!] I threw the bundle with all my might just before the kraken submerged.

During the WWII, when a destroyer class ship is being assaulted by a submarine, they would throw delayed detonating barrels called Depth Charges...right now...

Coincidentally the kraken who was submerging grabbed the bundle which was wrapped in red cloth and tossed it to its beak mouth...unknowingly without knowing what it was.

[Bingo—Well everyone this will be messy, but here it goes]




*Kara kara kara*

The kraken's body exploded underneath the water but it also reached the surface as bits of it flew around. A huge pillar of water then erupted....and moments later the dead figure of the blasted kraken...floated.

[.......] (????) Everyone who saw the scene was awed...and stupefied. I mean who would not?

[What shall we do with it? I mean that huge squid or octopus or whatever that is?]

[Umm....we can only let it sink since we cannot really carry that] (Calypso)

[Oh~ then if you do not mind can I get all of its tentacle?]

[Huh? What to do you—] (Calypso)

I looked at Lushea...and she was drooling....oh boy it seems she knew what I want to do with it.

I jumped to the water while activating <<WATER STRIDER>> a spell under water attribute that Lushea taught me days ago. It allows the caster to literally walk and run in water before the mana runs out. So this spell is very dangerous as it consumes the mana to that extent...maybe I can only use it for about 10 minutes or so.

[Takoyaki~ calamari~ kraken sashimi~ grilled kraken~] (Lushea) The fairy at the ship was chanting the names for cuisines that were having squid and octopus as ingredients.

As for me, with the reinforced steel sword at my hand, I slowly cut the tentacles and stored it all over INVENTORY. With this I have secured about 5 tons worth if kraken meat...squid meat or octopus...or how it is called.

When I returned to the ship as I caught up with its speed, all the sailors onboard including the captain and  Mr. Danielo all had the face as if saying "just what're you?!", except Lushea who was drooling while daydreaming.

This was peaceful, Yep indeed it is peaceful.

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