Chapter 11

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My expectations were completely devoid just now, my worries about ghosts, phantoms and razes are quite off as the enemies that have popped out here at the 12th floor are....

[They're robots....] specifically they are golems...with flamethrowers. Dealing with them would require stealth and surprise attacks. That is why i am currently on CLOAK right now.

Deploying a holo-pilot decoy, the said flamethrower golem suddenly detects it and....spews flame from its flame thrower. As i was observing the battle style, it seems their flame throwers are one time use only since the intensity of the flame earlier was strong, after some 5 seconds the fire died down, trying to deploy a holo-pilot again, the golem only tackles at it and punched the decoy to death.

[That is amusing, from ranged to close combat fighting... that sure is like a grunt or a reaper from the game] grunts are usually dummy players, aka bots with little to know how much hp those guys have. Reapers however are something to not take lightly, those can hurt a titan's chassis depending on the frequency and location of their plasma attacks.

Most of the time from the game, I would deploy a tick on those and detonate it nicely. *sigh* how i miss using my Xbox controller back then.

But...I cannot contain the excitement in my heart as i can now fight a robot looking opponent.....gripping the L-Star, i had it attached with a holo-sight for improved accuracy for some good design since i had no way of customizing its painted appearance.

Undoing Cloak, i unleashed a hell of bullets at the Flamethrower golem and subdued it, leaving me behind a red colored flame attribute monster core. Sweet.

I appraised the core and it seems that if imbued on a weapon, it will deal a burning or a flame imbued attack depending on the type of weapon used. If this was to be put on the L-Star, it would be completely useless since the L-Star is an energy based it is pointlessly, so i stored it for will probably have its use in the future.

For an hour, i was exploring the entirety of the 12th floor and obtained various treasures, some monster cores, and some few useful items that will probably help me sooner or later.

I also had the PD-1–5 scout the entirety of the 12th floor to check for any missed treasure chest or hidden rooms. In which was found to be none, so i had them return to me and got stored afterwards.

This only means that i need to proceed to the next floor. So i had the tick go to the East to see if the stairs are exactly there...yep there it is, it still followed the same pattern if being found. I wonder, shouldn't stairs something that must be searched thoroughly, i felt like whoever made this dungeon gut lazy so he/she set the staircase to be found in a clockwise manner, but it is surely convenient for me.

Moving aside, i already have a guess as to what kind sub-boss i am going to face on the 15th floor. It is probably still be some sort of robot or golem.

[I should change my weapon] taking out the R-6P Soft ball AAGL, i replaced the L-Star with it. It was a splendidly designed grenade launcher that shoots small explosive anti-armor projectiles that can damage anything within a 1 meter radius.

[It is nice...] attaching any sights would be useless for this since the projectiles would do a parabolic path upon being fired.

*Booom! *Booom!*

The explosive level for this is similar to that of a fragmentation grenade, but it is a contact type explosive that only explodes upon being hit by a hard surface, hence it is useful against these golems since they look metallic enough to be considered hard.

Fanfic: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilotDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora