Chapter 33

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Jack here
What does the feeling of going home feel like for you? Is it heartwarmingly exciting? Or just sad since you know that the place you've been before are now away?

I would be both, right? But for me, it is the joy of going back to the place
[Finally! i am back]

The nostalgic view of Miruzo City's walls gave me chills and excitement at the same time as I saw it at the distance.

[Pilot, blue markers are fast approaching, precautions is advised] (Northstar)

I am using Northstar as of now since he is the only one that can fly high in the sky. In terms of mobility, this is apparently the best, but when it comes to speed and burst of physical prowess...Ronin would do

I got out of Northstar and I called him off him for the time being. I then changed my uniform to the standard commoners clothes and layered with my usual adventuring clothes.

[Okay! This'll do] I pat my clothes and walked slowly towards the entrance gate. I am also holding my adventurers card along with my ID card so that the process of entering will become smooth.

[ID please] (??)

[Here] The guards inspected it and gave it back, i then entered the city and inhaled the usual suburban city air.

But first and foremost, i went to the bar I ate at before....and apparently it was not busy this early morning.

[Yo, welcome back Jack. How is the trip?] a bald man was the one who greeted me as I entered.

[Bar master, it was great...and exhausting at the same time] I guess bar masters do remember the faces of their customers.

[Jack-san what would you order?] (Mari)

[Eh? I'll take whatever is on the menu, i am famished by the trip after all. And! Give me a mug of Ale too]

[Then since it is breakfast, it would be boar stew, bread, thick tomato soup, and Ale. All is 60 coppers] (Mari)

[Here] I hand her the exact amount and waited for the food to come.

The bar is quite vacant early in the morning hence the only person eating at this time is me. The time indicated at the clock function was 7:12 AM, I guess they really open at 7:00 am so I was here 12 minutes after their opening time. I guess i have been their first customer for the day.

[Here is the food, please enjoy] (Mari) Misus Mari then came with a tray filled with the food I ordered and put an Ale mug at the table with a *Thud*

[Thank you for the food!] I almost cried when I started to eat since...this was the first time I ate something good after my trip. I did not eat anything back at the Fairy kingdom since their food were primarily too...unflavored.

I gobbled up the food and drank the is great, but good food is greater!!!!

[That was a feast......] I licked my lips off the sauce and rubbed my hands on a towel I have.

[<<CLEAN>>.........] A faint light wrapped the towel and it was cleaned in an instant. <<CLEAN>> is a light attribute spell that can remove dirt, grime and sweat. I forgot to use this, and have just remember it recently after eating. I then leave the bar and said my thanks to the bar master and to Misus Mari.

What I want to do is to secure a place to sleep, and what my mind has decided was the previous Inn i have stayed at.

[Welco....ara~ aren't you Jack-san?] (??)

Before I was able to get in, a strong hand grasped my shoulder, not just one, but there were two people who were behind me and i knew who it was. When I turned back...there she was, i can feel that behind her was a hanya mask, or perhaps someone with the face of ashura.

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