Chapter 78

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Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee...Muhhamad Ali or whatever your name is you great boxer, that being is called a jelly fish.

But...that thing is underwater, what about someone that is on the surface?

Red fluttering hair, her armor so shiny and her sword so large...should I say she's like a jellyfish...of the surface?

[Haaaaa!!!!] (Yullia)

Dazed, I stood just watching her galant figure swung such a massive blade towards the Superior Class Tyrant.

Blaze was emitted on her onslaught, however the Tyrant was not even scathed. All of a sudden the Tyrant...staggered?!!!!!

What the heck!???? Is the empress a gorilla?

[*Sharp stare*] (Yullia)

[Eekkk?!!! Sorry!!!] She stared at me for a sec with her eyes filled with fury...women's intuition sure is strong here.

Anyway the empress is able to stand toe to toe with that thing, however her mana have been dropping critically over the few minutes of battle that have unfolded.

{Unit Leader, this is the "Honor", Rail Gun is now fully charged}()


{Do not fire, I repeat! Do not fire! A friendly is nearby}

{Copy that} ()

Luck sure has been sticking to me lately, but I need to use my wits this time not just my luck.

I took out an EPG, the standard one used as an Anti-titan weapon.

However the situation is tricky, I might hit her in an attempt to hit the Tyrant. And a bad news for me and for her.

Back in the game, for some oddly idiotic reason I decided to only use the EPG to kill pilots throughout every attrition map there was. As far as I know the highest kills I got in a single game was about 75 and all of those were just done by using the point blank range.

[Watch out!] Using the grappling hook, I dragged the empress's body towards me for a few meters.

The cord only wrapped her arm in a bit before it dislodge itself away. Her armor is too high in defense, but there are some parts of it that expose her to dangers. Luckily the hook was able to pull her enough before she got hit by a huge stone stake.

She got up quickly and then dodged another one coming her way.

Sheesh, this woman sure is a versatile fighter. The empress seems to be someone that is either a vanguard or a forward type of fighter wherein they would be the main damage dealer. She could also be a tank, however she's just too reckless!!!!!!!!!!

Approaching her away for some few meters I shouted at her...

[I have a plan!!!!! Lure him to your way!!! And dodged whatever I would fire at it!!!!]

She just nodded in the heat if the battle, sheesh this woman. Anyway because I have said that, her movements have changed as well. Her footwork became focused on evasion as her speed and agility have drastically improved....she's so OP just to say, probably if I were to face that woman I'll be damned in seconds.

Her attacks to have become lighter as it only annoys the Superior Tyrant even more.

[Ahahahahaha!!!! Too slow!!!] (Yullia)

Do you really have to taunt it?!!!!!

[Haaah...I am worries for many things, but here I go!!!] My limbs are now fully healed, so I grappled along the debris of the area to arrive near the scene.

I was wrong, this thing was not thrice the size of a tyrant......

It was about 7 times the size of an ordinary one...and my god momma...that is one big fella.

[Oh boy, may the gods guide me to allow this plan to go well]

Then the figure of a bloody man in a weird suit jumped towards the fight and joined the red haired hero in the act of stopping the being on its tracks
[haaah two are you okay?] (Marianne)

Outside the Imperial capital, within the wall adjacent to the plains stood many people, carriages, and soldiers. All were residents of the Capital who successfully evacuated the wrath being done inside the city they have lived.

[We're fine! But...did you feel that just now?] (Sahfra)

[You mean the sudden increase in magic power at the capital?] (Marianne)

Beside Sahfra was the subordinate of Marianne, Ievan.

[Marianne-sama, that sudden rise...don't tell me...The empress is...] (Ievan)

[Haah...this is bad, I hope nothing happens that majo] (Marianne)

For the units serving under the Empress, they have known what she can do and what she cannot. They knew what she have, that includes her power.

Long before her arrival, they have served under the Emperor before he got married to Yullia. During the time she was summoned, both the emperor and the hero fell in love with each other and bore 3 children after the war with the demons.

However about 5 years ago...the emperor died. For some reason the cause was masked by the current empress, but her units knew that the case was bigger.

The emperor himself was against the motives of the BVO within his land, so his enemies planned to kill him and his family. The BVO failed to kill his family....but he himself paid for the part.

Seeing the death o her beloved tight in front of her eyes...the Empress vowed to hunt the BVO down to hell and back. With her wrath not yet quenched, she shall hunt them down till she dies, till she gets satisfied.

Marianne who noticed the familiar magic wavelength became worried for her boss the empress. She knew that the empress would sometimes get reckless when wanting to achieve the goal she is near in achieving.

[Sh*t, get all of the units back to the capital! We shall assist her Majesty with our lives!!!!] (Marianne)

[Ouhhh!!!!] (????)

[You sure are fired up huh...then I might as well!!!] (Sahfra)

A team dressed in black then made their way back to capital in haste while leaving the foxkin group to tend the injured and wounded.
Jack's POV

I really feel so defeated as of now. Why? say it like this isn't simple, so I'll make it would you feel if a woman carried you around while hopping from roof to roof?

[Just shoot!!!!] (Yullia)

[I'm tryin'!!!!!] I cannot even aim properly if she moves this much...

But hey! She's much more of a superhuman than me! So being a titan pilot does not even have that much similarity, nor does it even have anything in equal to her. I feel like sh*t when she's near me...that is what I am feeling.

Anyway, cooperation with her is possible. I just need to find a perfect timing to accurately fire the EPG to the Tyrant's exposed core.

[Help has come!!!!!!] (????) eh?! Who?!

When I turned around, there were over 30 girls with various weapons that looked too cyberpunk-ish.

Leading them was a violet haired Lolita...


[Ahahahaha! I shall show you what these daughters of mine can do Jack!! You all, let us defeat that thing together!!!] (Minerveta) Triumphant as she was...the scene that of the arrival of valkyries somehow showed within the back of mind.

80 battle type automata descended the battlefield together while wearing maid clothes?!!!!! and stormed the Superior Tyrant with speed and surprise. Like blitzkrieg but not by nazis.......but by mechanical units from me and the maid automatas from Ellie's side rallying towards such humongous opponent.

Fanfic: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilotWhere stories live. Discover now