Chapter 44

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I have nothing to write but I'll just write this one. A certain Chinese man once said "If you know your enemies well, then you would not have troubles even if you faced a thousand battles"...or was that it? Was that correct? I kind of do not know since there is no internet connection here.

But how about knowing a girl's 3 sizes? That would be the greatest thing a pervert can know. Knowing those 3 sizes would practically make any girl naked in front of the eyes of a pervert.

[Ummmm....erm....] In front of me was the trio of automatas earlier.

One was casually drinking tea, the other one was reading a guide book, and lastly the one with the big guns was facing me directly with her bewitching smile.

[No need to worry, we are just forced here since there's no vacant table] (??) I looked at Ms. Marika who was at the corner of the dining hall and she gave me a "just give up" face as she entertains another guest.

[Ah okay] I just responded a cliche string of words, but somehow why were these 3 just focusing their eyes at me?

I am now diverting my attention at the fairy beside me...

[Zzzzzz~] (Lushea) ?! This person was just awake a few minutes earlier?!!!!!! That was fast!!

[Hey if you try to fake sleep...I won't give you anymore of those homemade cookies I have baked]

[?!!! On a second thought I am fully energized desu!] (Lushea) This glutton....

Haa~h this is bullsh•it. I am in a situation where I cannot even simply go out of this table and just walk away after saying "goodbye" or something like that. Not after these girly bunch just sat down the chairs nonchalantly.

The feeling of being over powered by girls surrounding you...that is the same feeling I also felt during my college days during at the cafeteria. When I was alone to eat, a noisy bunch would crowd at my table.

And this situation is just basically the same!

The all of a sudden...

[Uwaaahhh!!!] (Lushea) She broke down crying.

[What happened to you?!] I scanned her body...and no symptoms of pain is apparently occurring. In short this is but an act.

I actually sent her a telepathic message about what to do as of now for us to escape at this very very awkward situation.

[It seems my companion got a stomach ache. I am sorry but let us excuse ourselves] I said it and we've escaped!!!!! Hooray!!!!

[Ah then let us escort you there] (??) Oh noo!!!!!!!!!!
Hahahahahaha...emptiness is form, form is emptiness. For some reason that was the only thing that circulated at my mind as I stared at my desk....and on the opposite side was a pair if girls having the compete opposite among each other. I mean the other had the guns...while the other one had none at all.

The last one was playing with my fairy companion and the two are talking about food...she found a comrade?

[Ummmm...before anything starts...can I have an explanation for this?] In front of me at the desk were documents...and all of them had the names of people in contact with the Black Vipers organization...saying that name is too mouthful, let me abbreviate that as BVO in short.

As for the girls/automata who handed it to me...they had faces of expectations.

[Ummm...just so you know I do not have any recollection of being involved with this matter] Of course I lied.

[Hmm? But there was a report that you came to aid the Runoa Intelligence group. How can that be I wonder?] (??) The one to say this alluringly was the automata with black hair and blue eyes.

[Moreover it was said that the person who came to aid had the companions that looked like golems...but versatile in motion and were capable for dealing with the situation...Moreover my evil eye of "Truth and Justice" cannot be deceived by your lies] (??)

Bufuo!!!! What!!!???


[Just so you know we aren't cornering you, instead we want to have your help regarding the extermination of this harmful organization] (??)

[Okay fine fine, I lost okay but just so you would know...I am only doing this on my free time. Generally I am busy since I am an adventurer, a semi-employee of this inn, and someone that is monitoring the said groups you just mentioned. I am just alone, one body! How in the heck da you want me to help you?] I leaned on the chair as I crossed my leg into a number "4" position

[Well our mother wants to obtain a partner she can trust, and we judged that you're one] (??) Huh mother? Automata are being birthed?!

[ the way we refer our creator as "mother" so you may get that as a different idea and misunderstood. Sorry for not telling you beforehand, by the way I am Siege] (Siege) Ah okay, the busty black haired girl is called Siege.....

[I am Anne] (Anne) Ah...a normal one...The first one was a black feathered pillow, and this one is a yellow chopping board....I'll keep that in mind.

[Onette] (Onette) You know the punchline here....Mario + Onette = Marionette....her name makes sense since her beauty is doll like...but aren't Automatas also a kind of a living doll? This Onette fellow has stylish red hair that was braided nicely. She is also wearing glasses...her beauty can trigger any of those perverts with glasses fetish at most....I am not attracted okay!

[So...why the bother to do it here? Couldn't it be done where your "mother" is?] I am really intrigued with who this mother is.

[For safety reasons, we are the only ones along with others that are tasked to go in an out of the base] (Siege) eh?? So this mother is...a shut-in...this is a bit vexing.

How do you trust an ally you cannot visit? As well as an ally that is not proactively engaged in social matters?

[She is a shut-in huh]

[We won't deny that] (Anne)

[So about this you have a background about them? I only know a bit of it from an acquaintance who is dozing inside a volcanic cave] I wonder how the dragon is doing by now.

[About that, according to the data we have gathered as well as we have investigated, these Black Vipers is a collection of a group of brigands way way back some hundreds of years ago. Their originators seems to be someone that bears ill will against the gods, hence they are trying to find wats to destroy the creations of the gods. But their main goal is actually not destruction] (Siege)

[But it was to gain infamy and to be feared by many] (Anne)

[Isn't this just plain idiotic as well as stupid?]

[About that, most of their members as we have investigated are illiterate, puny, scums and the like. The most prominent part that what is feared about them is that...if a group of stupids come together...what do you think would be the result?] (Anne)

[Their activities would get crazier and the point that it becomes too stupid to happen]

[Correct...but there is more to that. They have this council wherein those with higher ranks at the organization are to command a group of them] (Siege)

By the way, I just noticed this but the other Automata was already dozing beside Lushea...both were lazy....haa-h birds of feathers are really alike.

[Okay fine, but I will move independently for now. I have eyes on both sides for the meantime. I will need assistance if I need it, hence the same as you. But please let it be at the most "crucial" time]

[Okay, I have received your word. We are glad to be in partner with you...and with the fairy beside Onette] (Anne)

Well...for now I have extra hands and some new friends. But...Shea sure has the same energy with that Onette gal.

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