Chapter 30

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Author here (*゚▽゚*)

This may be abrupt but...I will have to apologize early for the Inconvenience that will happen next month's chapter publication day since I have some sort of business regarding my school life.

So I may as well post the next chapter a bit late...or early, but just in case please do not assume too much.

By the way, this chapter is something I created while looking at a specific movie scene from "The matrix", it involves robots! I guess I really am a robot fanatic with this one, but as always enjoy.

-Author (*'-')
Jack here!

Have you seen a plague of locust?

I did, but only at the internet. They are a harmful swarm despite being small insects due to their voracious appetite.

But how about a swarm of monsters? No problem, I've got a solution for that.

At a vast grassland somewhere, there are 200 Reapers currently standing waiting to be ordered in front of me.

Their intimidating size and form gives me chill despite me being the one who called them forth. There were also plasma drones hovering at the area numbering up to 300 units. All in all, the units I have deployed are 500

Another 2 drones were scouting as of now, and those were plasma drones hovering at 750 meters up in the air while maintaining visual of the incoming distant swarm. But damn...when it was called a swarm, I never expected it to be this large and this numerous. It looked like an ant swarm from up above.

[Okay listen up, i do not know if you are listening to this but....I want all of you to form 10 squadrons to fight and exterminate this swarm currently being slowed by the residents of the forest. Time is limited so this will be how it is....]

I discussed it towards the Reapers and the drones whom were mysteriously listening to me despite it being me only the one to speak.

As of now there are 10 teams formed for this matter:
•Alpha team consisted of Reapers 1-20 and plasma drones 1-30
•Bravo team consisted of Reapers 21-40 and plasma drones 31-60
•Charlie team consisted of Reapers 41-60 and plasma drones 61-90
•Delta team consisted of Reapers 61-80 and plasma drones 91-120
• and so on....

Currently the team were as follows: Alpha 1&2, Bravo 1&2 , Charlie 1&2, Delta 1&2, Echo 1&2

These guys will intercept the incoming enemies, as for me. My partner is already deployed right now.

[Pilot, incoming enemies at the north, caution is advised] (Legion)

Currently i called Legion specifically for this matter since he have high bullet capacity and hull integrity. I can also have him use his special core ability to do a more precise piercing attack towards the swarm.

Currently I am on top of Legion standing while holding unto one of the handle bars found here.

[....phew, I never thought in my life I will say this but.....Go!!!!!! Fly!!!!] It was awkward but the reapers and drones took it as a go signal for the start of the swarm extermination.

Have you heard about the flight of the valkyries? or perhaps the flight of bumblebees? How about seeing the flight of hundreds of Reapers and Plasma Drones?

Fanfic: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilotحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن