Chapter 32

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Jack here!
Talking about dinosaurs, I guess the one that I am most familiar with is the T-rex.

Ancient predatory and extinct animals, yet what if they are living, not in Earth, but in the world where I am currently at?

[Gugaahhhh!!!] (??) A T-rex like monster was in front of us...yet..

With a swing of the broadsword ceased its life in an instant. Ronin does not give a f*ck and just continued like nothing happened.

[ die in one hit, maybe these monsters are too weak] No, perhaps Ronin is far more stronger than them hence I think they would also die if I use other Titans.

In terms of brute physical damage, Ronin is at best with that. As for long distance medium damage, Northstar would be good, for close to medium distance but with heavy damage...Legion and Scorch would do. As for the most versatile to use, I think Ronin, Ion, and Monarch would be preferable.

I am apparently making a battle plan and as to what Titan I will be deploying once a certain scenario happened. Ronin was on auto-pilot mode and is moving independently without my command or control, and is acting on his own volition.

[Pilot, blue markers are detected] (Ronin)

[A!? Where?]

[50 kilometers away, small presence of blue markers are detected, no anomaly is happening] (Ronin)

Huh? There is a civilization within this continent? Well...That is not strange since there were 2 fairy gates present in the current continent of Altair I was at. In fact it did appear at my map, it was a tribe of forest people which are living at the end of the forest.

It seems to be called "Foxter Tribe" that a bike brand? No...seems like this tribe is at peace for anomaly happening and there are no predators around the place where the tribe's village was settled at.

[I see...I wish they are open to foreigners]

Ronin made a run towards the location the tribe was at, we are running at a velocity of 90 mph and were creating small scale shaking as Ronin moves around.

In fact while all of this is happening, here I was inside Ronin sorting the items I have stored for the past month. I have collected many and have forgotten to use those that I deemed as useful. Hence I was looking for any item that may as well be made to trade with the tribe I am heading at.

[Hmmm....weapons are probably okay for a barter trade, but I wonder about materials...]

30% of the items I had were comprised of materials such as medicinal plants and herbs, minerals, rocks, gems, monster cores, and monster drops. That also goes for monster meat, bones, and other body parts as well as the corpses of the dragon swarm I have wiped out a few days ago.

[Hmm...meat is good, but I wonder about the bones] Maybe I will just toss the bones to the trash or just simply destroy it...but i guess that is for another time, i may need these in the near future and it will be a loss if I threw these.

[Pilot, multiple blue markers are approaching our way, caution is advised] (Ronin)

[Hahaha...for now I will call you off]

I got out of Ronin and I summoned him, causing the usual black hole to appear and he was stored for the time being. It seems that if there are no damage to the Titan, no announcement will pop out inside my head.

So to be safe from the blue markers who were approaching at great speed, I activated CLOAK and hid myself between the foliage of the trees. As for emergency, I have readied the PHASE DASH for activation and is waiting for any event to happen.

Fanfic: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilotWhere stories live. Discover now