Chapter 22

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Sadness, how do you define that? Is that only an emotion you feel when you are gloomy? When someone tells you something sad? Or is it an emotion you feel when someone parts away from your life?

Actually, all of those are correct. The fact that a person feels emotion is normal.....yet if they feel it too much, consequences would arise.

Excessive sadness causes depression which is bad for a person as it remains for many years and is hard to heal unless the person is proactive. Excess happiness causes people to part from reality, causing negligence in ones responsibilities. Excess anger causes unnecessary damage to other person, running amok is something one must not do, unless they have a screw loose in their head.

Yet, why do i feel nothing every time i kill someone? isn't there disgust in killing?

No, there is not. I kill to protect, not to harm. It is naive, isn't it?

[This is nauseating] A person under the shine of the trio of colored moons said that with a flat face monotonously, this is me by the way.

On my feet were 20 dead bodies of kidnappers i have found at Miruzo City, why did i got here and what did i do here is something that brings us back 3 hours ago.
3 hours ago

The fairy was now sleeping soundly as the collar that have made her suffer before is now removed from her neck. The owner of the inn and the shrine maiden went downstairs and talked about something. I decide to remain here to guard this little sleeping one, there might be those that searched for her since she was still a slave a moment ago. My map is constantly being monitored by me for any strange activity, and probably to search for all people that is involved in illegal slavery, in which pops out of my map as orange dots and they are countless inside the city.

[This world sure knows cruelty] caressing the fairy's head, she snuggles to my hand and grasps it tightly.

I kind of remember my cat named Butch, a tom, he was quite a man himself back then. Making 5 female cats on our neighborhood to be pregnant....hahahahaha.....he was gone 2 years ago due to old age. He was the best of the best, he also snuggles to me during sleeping time and would constantly wake me up in the morning just to eat early.

[Just how much did you suffer huh....little one?.......hmmm?] on my map, an activity suddenly occurred at the west side of the city where the slums are located. 30 blue dots under the tag children are currently being surrounded by 5 groups of red dots with the kidnapper tag on them.

[Tch! To happen during night—] I then slowly peeled off the fairy's grip and quickly wear the IMC pilot suit. I then rushed at the first floor and saw the two ladies a while ago.

[Can you please watch the fairy upstairs?]

[Wait! Why did you know there was....wait!] (Marika)

I then quickly rushed outside and nimbly arrived at the roof of the inn, my sense are so sharp that i can even hear the mutterings of the nearby bar, the sound of the cats' mating call on the distance and the sound of the person snoring on the nearby building.

I then deployed 5 plasma drones and made then rush to that place first, i had them spread widely and they are 40 meters up in the roofs of the buildings here. They will do. I also had them activate their Cloaking Device so that anyone would not notice their presence up on the night sky.

[Kidnappers huh.........they sure have guts to do it inside the city]

I then took out a trusty R-97 Compact SMG, this one has the highest firing rate and ammo capacity at the game, it is true to say...compact since it had a small frame and the weapon just works like the Kriss Vector back at earth.

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