Bio Chapter 1.1 : Characters and their description (Jack's party)

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It seems that some readers have been surprised by the sudden introduction of characters without even knowing their back stories nor their characteristics.

No pictures to be posted for now sorry about that, however I shall put down a list of characters from different places and their corresponding characteristics and connection with the protagonist and his friends.

So let us start then—

Btw, the party name of the adventurer's party composed of Jack, Lushea, Cascadia and Rynia has still yet to be decided...also sorry about that

Jack Cooper (Party Leader)

-blond brown hair, blue eyes, and lightly tanned skin, that is what his looks are. The fact that he has abs beneath the pilot suit just means he is too physically fit for his role

-having a height

-an American who was working in a Japanese Company who got transported into this world due to a failed hero summoning, his age got reduced into his teens

-Is a person blessed with the ability to be a titan pilot

-has magical abilities but tends to forget them since using his pilot skills are far better

-commands leagues of AI units (Drones, Spectres, Stalkers, Reapers, MRVNs)

-values each of his party mates as someone like family

-has troubles with Lushea's overeating tendencies

-is a person with motion sickness...only during his first time flying Northstar at the skies, however,r he got over it.

-is an M (you know what this is) and is in love with the Imperial Magician, Minerveta

Lushea Everwing (Support)

-the mascot of their party is a pink-headed fairy. Her wings glimmer blue when hit with moonlight.

-She first met with Jack upon being enslaved and abandoned within a basement, Jack saved her and that is it

-Jack knows she's the Demon Lord of Gluttony, however, she does not. (I'll put their character status' later)

-loves to eat delicious food...& tends to overeat when placed with many in front of her. Her appetite is void...or rather she is insatiable after becoming a demon lord unknowingly.

-values all of her friends as friends?? Jack is a friend with benefits since he had the food stashed at his INVENTORY...Lushea knows that Jack is still hiding more.

-She is the support type that commands various support based spirit magic spells that raises P. dmg and M. dmg

-has no care with how Jack is in love with Minerveta, as long as he feeds, she shall be fine

Cascadia Bluesea

- The vanguard of their party also acts as the main damage dealer

-A blue-headed mermaid shorty whom Jack and Lushea met within the sea as they travelled towards Runoa Empire. Forced herself at Jack and joined the circle.

-Her main weapon which is a spear often interchanges from the lance type spear into a trident type spear based on the number of enemies she is dealing with. Also, she always has it on her back, making her look like some badass blue-haired Lolita

-Often gets dragged by Lushea's overeating tendency, causing her to be the one feeding Lushea even more due to pitying the hungry fairy

-treats Jack and her friends as pod mates. A group of mermaids and merman after all is still called a pod.

-apparently, this is not in the story, but she would make ice cream at their guest room and have Lushea taste test it...

Rynia Exodeos

-A mercenary turned adventurer when she joined Jack's party.

-A red-headed shy type maiden when it comes to new people, but becomes friendly when knowing them fully (like a cat of some sort)

-She's the conscience of the group and often reprimands Lushea for her overeating tendencies

-within the depth of her heart, she treats all of them as her younger siblings...this is due to her upbringing as someone adopted in a household of 15 kids. She's the eldest as well...

-She is Jack's real sister back on Earth, however, due to being reincarnated her memories somehow got erased a little

-She is the main vanguard of their party as her weapon is a Naginata, sword spear. She also imbues the weapon with fire magic to enhance her attacks even more

-Jack does not want to face her at all cost when it comes to CQC, he was just lucky that they did not fight before

-Knows about the relationship between Ellie/Minerveta with Jack and secretly admires them

Ciel (453rd automata)

-her appearance is due to Ellie's/Minerveta's inspirations taken from a PS4 game.

-Is a white-haired gothic sword dancer and a gunslinger, she is currently equipped with two short swords and a magic armament blunderbuss

-has a blindfold but it is transparent...useless item to have

-Is an automaton with a delinquent character, she is secretly equipped with a baseball bat filled with nails around it.

-The main damage and forward member of their party.

-Was put to Jack's party to put a surveillance on Jack's action, and to assist him in any way

-her character does not match with her appearance in outfit nor with her mannerisms and actions.


- a mysterious kitsune boy that Jack and co. met while flying in the skies of Traumerei Kingdom

- A boy whose age is Unknown. Nobody knows how old this small cutie is.

- for some reason...he is very light, he weighs only 5kg, which is about the same weight as a wooden chair for one person...which puzzles Jack and the girls.

- A Multiversal Guardian / Traveller that has long lost count of the number of words he's explored.

- he calls himself "Soulbound", which is most likely his Race, despite looking like a kitsune

- as for the physical characteristics...he is about 130 cm tall, has snow-white hair, the fur of his nine tails also have the same colour, as for the eyes he has a red and grey set of eyes.

- Has unbelievable power, despite not using it too much unless needed. He's a very approachable toy to girls, though guys will have a slightly harder time liking him.

- Most things don't scare him anymore, though there are still a few exceptions.

- He's very cuddly and... childish, despite him saying that he's way older than even time itself.

- Is very good at making girls like him, so he tends to stick around them more.

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