Chapter 57

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Cascadia here

I do not understand human clothing that much, but Jack-san said that I should at least a proper attire when I am in my human form.

I mean we just leave all things naked when were at the water since clothing hinders our movements....

I just don't get humans at all

[Oh~ you're just in time! The client for the arena have just came here a while ago so your man power is our greatest asset!!] (Dante) He looks gleeful for his middle aged figure.

[Sure, so for now it is transport security huh]

[Yes boy, right on the point. The one we're transporting and brought to the carriages are monsters, some trading materials, and criminal slaves that are to be brought to the arena] (Dante) It isn't strange to hear that word right now, slavery is actually a common thing here. Criminal slaves are mostly those that have done something bad hence they're enslaved to atone for their sins.

But I am more interested in this arena though....Is it perhaps an arena same as that in rome? Or those that I have saw in many "Isekai" fantasy manga? Maybe, but I can only confirm that once we have arrived at our destination.

[Here—] (Dante)

[Erm....what is with the money?] There were 30 pieces of yellow gold coins on the crate which was put down by Mister Dante.

[This is your pay for our first day here. You are acting like mercenaries after all, adventurers are not to be felt when you are here. You have an aura of a mercenary, so I have given you your 1 out of the 7 days we will be here] (Dante) For some reason, I felt that Lushea tugged the hem of my clothes.

I am wearing my adventuring clothes but is covered by a black cloak, Lushea is wearing her usual fairy outfit. Cascadia is on my back...she's asleep for the whole time. We just came back after finishing some stuffs within the for now things will be peaceful around here.

[So shall we go now?]

[Let's go] (Dante) What can I say? It seems that this job is actually that of a mercenary. At least we're paid with a good amount of money...

[Hey Jack-san...about dragon meat] (Lushea)

[......] Shes bringing it up once again!!! She is very sharp!!!

[Can we deal with that some time later?]

[Fine....but I know that you have many with you] (Lushea) ?!!! What the heck?! Since when did she knew?!

Right the most awkward moment of my life. At the carriage as it rocked, a woman was intensely staring at me.

She's one of the mercenaries that have been hired here for this trip, yet she's been staring daggers at me since we left.


[Hmph!] (??) ?!! Wha?! What did I do to piss her off?!

[] (Lushea)

[Fine, here eat these with Cascadia. That girl should woke up if you...]

I took out the sandwich and a spoonful of spreading towards her nose...

*Pikun~ Pikun~*

Her nose sniffed it...and...she it the sandwich.

[Mmm...good morning....] (Cascadia) She is still dozing off, so I put her down beside Lushea. The fairy in question....already ate 3....

Should I try letting her eat some flax seeds? That should be a great help...for my pocket.

Now back to the others, there are 7 other mercenaries on the carriages, but were split into 2 per carriage and coincidentally the fox eyed woman was the one I have paired at to be here. She's still staring at me...

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