Chapter 36

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Jack here!

Books are educational, right? How about books that are instructive? Picture books?

All of those are good especially novels and such, but my most favorite
are probably thin Japanese books
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It is what it is~

I am currently at the library at the city, and of course! it is to gather information regarding the events that have unfolded for the last 10 centuries. By reading, I can gather good amount of information about history and such.

But hey, mind me but I also found such a good book...for couples that is

[How to make her go off with 18 different positions.....the f•ck is this?] Due to curiosity and such....i actually scanned the book for...*cough 2x* exquisite *cough 2x* information.

After that I stole it by storing it at the INVENTORY function for safety purpose and to prevent minors from reading it way too early. Of course, kleptomania is bad so do not follow a guy such as me. (Author: please do not do it =(^.^)=)

As for the other books it was primarily consisted of magic books, world history, monster ecology, literatures, and many more...then there's this ero book.....

[What the heck is an ero novel doing here?!] For safety purpose, I also did the same for the previous book I just stored. But hey! I had fun reading it especially the climax part ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I made sure that I am just alone at this part of the library. Hence I am able to concentrate on *cough* reading reference materials. I mean history books.

Then I apparently found this stupidly thick book that weights about 20 kilograms and had the thickness of 3 large dictionaries stacked all together. What is with this one? Is it perhaps the record about all events that happened during the past? Yes, but there is more to this one. When I appraised it....


Is what its name was and is actually an ancient magic item that allows the user to scan and see any information the user wants to read by saying what you want to see and read, it is a good find hence I also stored it. By the way, I can actually but these books for 1 gold coin each including the stupidly thick magic item of a book.


[Yes, at least that is better than stealing it...and this?] (??) lifting a thin picture ero book.....the librarian cashier's face became red as she pointed her finger towards the two R-18 books beside it.

[That is just for reference!]

All in all I have paid a total of 7 gold coins, also even if someone bought these books the amount of books to be sold and to be freely read at the library will be restocked...but I wonder if it will restock the same book regarding the ancient magic tool book i just bought for a single gold coin...a valuable book sold for a single gold coin!!! But my reputation in the eyes of the librarian cashier plummeted in an instant.
Leaving the library, somehow I am now a new man.....Also coincidentally the red light district is just a corner away, but its midday, as if that would provide the mood for "that( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)".

So instead I sat at the bench near the city canal and read the book that tells some important events during the last 500 years of history.

First and foremost, the author's name is Johnny Sinz...dafuq, why does the image of a certain jack-of-all-trades bald American man comes to my mind? Coincidentally the name is almost the same.

He crested and wrote on this book 300 years ago and apparently the book is a collection of all things he have gathered from researches to old books, and in asking people called as sages.

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