Chapter 79

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The colossus, otherwise the infamous Superior Tyrant whom was actually called Omega Tyrant. Omega means the end.....was that in greek?

I along with the Empress and Ellie and her forces stormed the lone enemy. Yet despite that we are in quite a situation.

Just now, the intelligence units that are combat capable have been present within the area as well and are now firing attacks using magic armaments made by Ellie.

The magic armaments equipped by them are only doing little to none damage as most of them use magic as ammunition. Magic after all is useless against a Tyrant of any kind.

[Spread!] (Minerveta) Ellie was equipped with a quirky looking blunderbuss and was wearing what seems to be a studded leather armor. This gal sure is hyped, I know it from her excited face she is showing at this moment.

The automata units then moved correspondingly, as for me, I have deployed over 60 Stalkers and 30 BRD-01 Spectres to aid us.

[All units target the core in the middle!!!!!]

[Roger that-] (????)

{Light support class ship "Honor", is the railgun available?}

{It is available to be fired within 10 minutes} ()

{Good, aim it at the Tyrant for now, wait for my signal}

{Roger that} ()

Countless figure swarms the lone Tyrant and barrages it with heaps of explosions and ammunitions all for one purpose, to destroy the core cover and to distract the Tyrant.


[What the?!!!!! What is that?!] (Sahfra) The field became noisy due to the sudden appearance of a fireball up in the atmosphere.

The familiar fireball them descended the field of battle, will its presence have any significance within the battlefield? I do not know, but as they say gotta use what we have.


[It has been a long time pilot] (Monarch) Red paint with golden streaks of gold and black was what filled my vision.

The blue glowing orb eye stared at me keenly and the familiar voice hit me.

[It sure has been a long time Monarch, however I need your help. Be on standby mode but protect any nearby units] I did not board unto it ...for one reason.

The people around us who have not seen any of the Titans were disorientated. I guess that is common.

Anyway I am going to do a trick I have done many times within the game, that is to use the Titan as a distraction to have a kill.

Mostly this is a tactic known by most players, however some of them including me use the titan on Standby as a taunting figure.

The strategy is simple in which most new players would fall for this. 1st have the titan roam nearby you as you move towards a point or location, 2nd is to use ordnance abilities to disorientate the target, and then have the titan kill it, however if the 1st to 3rd step fails the 4th is to do a takedown.

However, since  the enemy is not a pilot but a huge freaking Tyrant, things need to be different. I am using Monarch as the main distraction to attract the attention of the Omega Tyrant towards it. After all, Monarch is the second largest moving individual within the area next to the Tyrant.

Using the forces of Ellie and the presence of the Empress and her units within the battlefield, my units have gained the total awareness of the enemy's limitations and abilities.

First and foremost, the beam earlier which nearly killed me can only get activated when it awakens for the first time which was great, next was it cannot reach its back, 3rd is it has a limited FOV but it can detect hidden enemies, lastly there are weak points available to be destroyed.

The weak points I am telling are its joint parts.

The Tyrant is a huge type of segmented golem, meaning its joint parts cannot be twisted further. It is like a doll you can buy at any toy store. Dolls have limitations when it comes to movements and that goes along with the Omega Tyrant which was the hugest and the greatest example for it.

[All units with Anti-titan weapons! Target the joints!!!!!] Information relay is really good when it comes to me and these guys.

[Roger that-] (????)


The Omega Tyrant smashed the floor nearby, sh*t!!!! That was a close call!!!

I then gripped the pistol grip of the EPG and grappled within the nearby ruined buildings. Taking aim using the holographic sight, I then pulled the trigger and an orb of EMP then got fired towards it.

*Sha sha sha sha!!!!*

When I did so, 4 consecutive missiles then flew towards the Omega Tyrant, those have come from Monarch's missile rack.

He's doing good. The slugs from the X016A2 chaingun have done well in jamming the Omega Tyrant's joints making it moved craggily.

The injured forces were evacuated safely outside the battlefield by the help of the drones I have deployed beforehand. At least no man/woman is being left behind.

However even with those measures.... the casing for the core is somehow still intact...wait....but barely!!!! This is good!


The energy siphon of Monarch disorientated the Omega Tyrant as it was about to launch another stake towards us. It staggered for a bit causing it to knee down for a bit.

[Monarch! Spam it with your defensive ability!!!!]

[Roger that Pilot, repeating defensive ability when cool down is finished] (Monarch) Reloading another drum mag, he tossed it towards the Omega Tyrant and it got smashed instantly.

[Jack you better watch out! I remember something about this type of Tyrant before, they would do a suicidal bombing when in critical damage!!!] (Minerveta)

[Say that earlier!!!!] Now that is something we need to be careful with!!!!

Reloading another EPG battery, I then fired another one after the other.


The field was deafening due to the overlapping sound of explosions and gun fire as well as the occasional attack of the Omega Tyrant.


The casing opened violently....

{Railgun is available for use] ()

God is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Forming a pistol image within my hand...I aimed it at the Tyrant.

[Asta La vista Baby!]


A blue light entered the atmosphere with a speed of over 10 Mach and hitting the Omega Tyrant within a second.

The reason why it was traveling at 10 times the original speed was because it has now been successfully recalibrated after the first use.


The chest portion immediately got bored cleanly without any trace of the rail whatsoever. The body then crumbled....

I fell down on my bottom....good!!!!!!!!!!!!! If we failed that assault, the Tyrant would have probably kamikazed us.

[Haaah— I...we won] The adversity known as a Tyrant...I now know how to carefully deal with one if I am to encounter another....but before that...why do I feel nauseous?...ah...

[Jack?!!!!!!] (Minerveta) Why are there two Ellies? What is....

What is happening....

{Leveled up to.......}
{Earned New title "......."}

I cannot hear anything...moreover...I feel terribly if being cradled by.....a warm feeling.

Just...what is going on,

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