Chapter 63

803 41 20

Jack here

Space exploration!!!!! With the space ship in hand, I can now travel the vast space out of the world where I am...but I think it is bad. I am scared of the dark void space...

Probably I'll use it to travel the world easily then!
My think the Light support class ship "Honor" is so fricking huge!!!!!! Light support class my ass!!!

[Damn...what is with this feeling of the same time my excitement is still peaking up] I honestly cannot contain my excitement in seeing this huge fella.

The space ship is actually heavily armed in my it had these:
•1, 10 meter rail gun
•1, 10 meter cannon
•10, 2 meter cannons
•120 small arms/ anti drop-ship guns

More to that it has an armor of 4 meter thick steel plates, a crew capacity of 250 people, a troop capacity of 1000 units, and lastly 20 pilots and their respective titans

On its hanger are 12 drop ships which were the ones on my INVENTORY, and 40 drop pods. To add to that, it also had 25 gremlins on the rear bay in case it lands literally on land.

[Damn...what is with this space overlord sh•t? Are we going to do the Star-wars now?] A certain black clothed, black masked, and nearly half robot father of a certain Skywalker comes to mind. (Luke I am ur papa) (Noo!!!!)

Jokes aside, if this thing flies up in the would gain attention...of course it has a countermeasure for that. The space ship can use the CLOAKING device to become invisible when it reached an altitude of 1,000 ft. So it can become nearly transparent for the people down here in the surface once it reaches 10,000 or more.

But wait! There's more!!!'

[( ・∇・)] (MRVN) There's a Marvin here!!!!!!!!!

The space ship is very spacious inside, and to be honest it is indeed spacious to the point that my entire neighborhood back then would fit all into this space craft.

Speaking of space craft...I am afraid of actually doing space exploration, hence this one will only orbit this world and to provide faster transportation towards another location.

For now the ones controlling the ship are a group of MRVNs and some BRD-01 Spectres I have put on the control center. The ones in charge for the spacecraft's defensive measures are the Stalkers....just to tell...these guys are combat units and not crews. How would I be able to gather that much? Hence this was the greatest option I had in hand.

The security inside is maintained by a group of Stalker, Spectre, Reaper, and drone units. In this way the ship can protect itself in case something bad would really happen. For the record no one was with me but just me alone and just my summoned units.

Also the spacecraft is now 20,000 ft up high in the sky. You would wonder how the heck would anyone on the surface to not see this massive piece of metal vehicle ascend to the sky? The answer lies in its passive stealth system that can only be activated once it reaches a specific altitude of 1,000 ft and then the whole spacecrafts armor would generate an artificial light reflecting field around causing it to go into Stealth.

This is not a feature I have found in the game nor was this spacecraft even there. All i Know is that this something I have loved in first sight.

[Reaching 25,000 ft in 20 seconds] (MRVN) Honestly there are just many of them around here. I'll just call them with numbers after their model.

That MRVN right now was someone I have put a 1 after the MRVN. Of course to not be confused with the scrambling, I have painted a white number on a part of their chest area which is visible and is also glowing at the same time. Maybe I should also do this with the other units? That would be a great help for me...and for the author to not confuse who's speaking and who's who.

But to add up something...this spacecraft actually had compartments that a person could live in, the problem is just it is too cramped inside like the one where I am at. But the good thing is that there are windows to see what is on the outside....the world is beautiful up here. And by the seems we have reached the orbit and is currently now starting to go and orbit this world. The world sure is round isn't it?

Anyway, I am now touring my self around this place. Checking some few things, I then went to the drop ship bay. There I saw the GOBLINS and the CROWS being parked and were ready for deployment.

There were MRVNs that were doing some maintenance over the vehicles and etcetera. The point is...I have acquired the means of viewing the world in a bigger picture (literally).

The problem is how would I go back to the surface? The spacecraft is already orbiting the world? The answer lies on the drop ship hanger located on the sides, and under this spacecraft...and so an MRVN piloted a CROW and sent me back to Runoa Empire's nearby forest area.

On the other note, the windows at the CROW are quite small...this is just plainly bad. But it sure is cramped here together with 20 other Spectres here inside the drop ship. It feels like I am some sort of VIP being protected by the security.

The seat here is nowhere to be found since this is a drop ship, and all of us here are just holding on some handles that were hanging at the ceiling of the  vehicle.

And then I dropped somewhere in the forest for safety reasons and to also avoid the curious eyes of the people.

But on a side note, I never expected to see who were waiting at me at the drop point.

[Say....what're the things you still haven't said to us?] (Minerveta)

[......] It was Ellie, and the girls....seems like I got a ton of things to explain and tell...good luck to myself.

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