Chapter 42

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Jack here

Have you ever heard that  term "Good Bandits"? I mean a good bandit, whom will steal from the bandits in order to return the item back to the owner?

No matter how i try to make a good impression about it, a bandit is still a bandit. In this case I was monitoring a spy group I am aware of hence spying the spy. So i am a spy to the spy? I am not a good spy tho~
I now have visuals of the individual spies under the Runoa Empire's Intelligence Division. Though I prefer to call the the covert operatives because it sounds cool.

Currently I am at my room within Vantage Inn doing some long distance scouting activities using the plasma drones as the surveillance system, as well as the stealth ticks I have deployed within the city.

Also, this is but not the second time I heard of this...but it seems that the spy group is also finding the location as well as the members of the Black Viper organization. So I guess an enemy of an enemy is my friend, in this the spy group perhaps  a potential friend? Idk.

As for the other person...I mean fairy beside me...

[Zzzzzzzzz—ehehehe more sweets....Zzzzzz ehehehee] (Lushea) She was day dreaming...ah no, she is indeed asleep and is dreaming of something, and it's the usual dream about her voracious appetite.

Using the controller as well as the Real time video feed at my own vision, I am doing my best as a one man intelligence gathering division.

Hmm...I wonder if by chance my parallel thinking skill had increased since on my view where multiple screens popping out at 60% opacity. I can also change the camera feed into the other units as well as the stalkers and the spectres including the reapers. I have no time to check my own status.

The problem here is that there's too much for me to handle, hence I am using the help of 5 stalkers to control the stealth ticks and the 5 spectres to control the 5 plasma drones intended for scouting.

[Anomaly detected at spy group A. Location within Miruzo City, specific location...Baruda Bar. 10 unidentified individuals detected] (Stalker 2) is just an hour after the official launching of the activity of mine and a problem already rosed. Haa—h weren't spies skillful in doing their jobs stealthily? Anyway...I need to at least monitor the whole situation that will unfold just now.

It seems that the spy group A disguised as an adventurer party got into a scuffle with some puny members of the Black Vipers organization which were hoodlums having a drink at the said bar.

Currently a fight has broke and there were several who were injured, no deaths, but the members of the Black Vipers got to escape.

[Hmmm...Stalker 2 monitor the escapees and I want you to fully monitor that group]

[Roger that—] (Stalker 2)

The Spectres who were here is still having no result from the scouting. What was tasked for them was to find some suspicious activity happening inside the city that can be seen via aerial view...nothing is still detected as of now.

As for me...I am monitoring the map for red dots. Just now I was able to fully determine the map's main purpose, its extra abilities, and the behaviors. The map is only able to detect enemies if they would put a hostile aura, as for the map is 110% accurate. Why 110%?  It was because I can also make a 3D AR of the basically I am looking at the city in a hologram. Making me see the actual movements of people on the surface and inside the buildings...and hey I can also see the "adult" activities within the red light district's inns....dayum to think it was this accurate...somehow I felt giddy at the latter one I just said.

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