Chapter 53

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Jack here

Ever since i built the submersible drone, I have unexpectedly befriended a mermaid girl. Moreover I was able to discover the deep part of the sea here.

By the way, I have also got to know the new null attribute spell <<DRY>> in which when applied to any object, it will be dry even if I put it in the water

Nice discovery isn't it?

The mermaid girl, looked feminine like a human girl at the upper half of her body, the remaining lower is made of a fish/ dolphin like body. Wait...her tail is horizontally aligned with her she looked like a half dolphin at this point

Her color is orange, white and black...perhaps is she a clown fish variant?

I descend the Slayer 1 further and arrived at the sea floor about 1 kilometer deep in the ocean(not in the sea since the coast is not visible anymore). There were some kind of corals I do not know and are bizarre looking.

[Hmm...oh that is a star fish, that looks like a sea that a sand dollar?] There was a variety of mollusks and invertebrates here. There is also the giant bunny sea slug, which was black in color. The bobbit worm...which is 20 times larger than the one from earth. A giant in literally a giant one.

There was also a giant sea urchin that looked a ball of chestnut at the distance.....all of these is making my mouth water for some reason...oh! There is also a large tuna...the size of a blue whale that is!!!!

[The heck!!!!] All of the sea creatures below that were familiar to me are the size of giants....what happened with the theory of body shrinking? Did the oxygen level at the sea here became too concentrated or perhaps too much?

The main thing is, it seems that the sea creatures here are just passive...yeah...passive.


Something is hitting the submersible, and it is at 7:00 o'clock of the submersible.

[Is that an arrow fish?] The joke is..the fish is the shape of an arrow, more over it

Then footsteps were heard at the deck so I forced the submersible to return and to attach itself at the bottom of the ship to monitor the situation down below.

I went up and saw the sailors scramble as they reloaded the cannons...

[What happened here?] I grabbed the hand of one of the sailors...

[Pirates!! They're everywhere!] (??) Pirates.....

Is this a dreary situation...actually not.

I controlled Slayer 1 to go below the ship and follow it as I try to set the torpedos warheads into activation and ready to fire mode.

....I patiently waited for the pirates' ships to be in range. The torpedos range cannot go beyond 3 nautical miles?

I then got a green signal...

[Hey, how about fighting against them?]

The sailors suddenly got frozen...and stared at me...

[You were a magician!!!] (????)
They all screamed loudly...well yep I am. And that is what I am aiming for.

[Okay everyone! Don't worry, the situation will be dealt immediately] After all I just commanded the submersible to fire the torpedos individually at each pirate ship the sonar had sensed.

The torpedos are...a combination of homing and guided hence all the torpedos shot out by the tubes have visuals shared in my sight.

[See that ship there—that will explode in 3...2...1...boom]

*Boommmmm!!!!* The torpedo, despite being small...actually had the power of 2 kilotons of the explosion one actually survived the explosion. Moreover combined with their powder kegs, the explosions that occurred consecutively was quite a sight. Looks like fireworks to me

[Oooo!!!! As expected of magician-dono!!!!!!] (????) But those just now were not magic, I'll just slide it as if it was.

[oh~ boya is a magician, forgot about that] (Calypso) Seems like she was preparing the ship's course of potential escape but was stopped midway since I have already dealt with the pirates. Lushea btw is still on the mast...i can really see her figure down here.

She did not wake up with the explosion nor from the noise of the noisy sailors...she sleeps like lard(deep sleeper)

The drunken figure of Mr. Danielo is seen at the deck as he *hics* while sleeping on the deck floor....some sailors took him into the ship's crew quarters and laid him rest.

Well...the situation was solved pretty fast right?

[ have brought quite a guy huh] (Calypso)

[Haa? Whatdya talkin' about?] (Danielo)

[Oh dear, you're still dead drunk] (Calypso)

[Squaakkk—] (??)

I happened to have passed by the sailors' quarters and saw the captain and Mr. Danielo.

[Oh boya— nice timing, you about peeking outside the window for a bit] (Calypso)

[Huh? Okay......] When I peered over...i saw the mermaid girl. She waved at me and suddenly threw something.

[What is this? A bracelet?]

{Title Earned "Friend of the Mermaids"}

..................Huh? In the first place how did she knew it was me who was controlling the submersible? Is this the power of a mermaid.

[Take me with you!] (??) All of a sudden, I thought it was a dolphin that have jumped out of the water...but actually it was the orange headed mermaid girl.

[Uwaahhh!!!!] I caught her as she makes way through the ribs hurt since her fish body slapped me so hard.

[Oyaah—seems like this mermaid wants to explore the world] (Calypso) We took the mermaid and put her on a metal tub filled with sea for me...I actually put 500 liters of it in my INVENTORY...

I am quite worried, yet when I peek outside once again I saw other mermaids...and mermans waving their hands.

Seems like they're rooting for the mermaid girl.

[Erm...what do i say again....]

In this seems that the cause of my daily headaches will now be doubled.

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