Chapter 68

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Author here

Another character again...haist...good gracious, also I am using another device to make this story, also I have edited some first few chapters just to make each paragraph have some english teacher reread it about last week ago and she said that the story is full of "..." or "---" in this case she does not even know what those meant.

So to remove confusion starting from this chapter, all "..." would mean silence. "---" would mean getting interrupted from speaking or interrupted while having some thoughts.

Anyway, a character suggested by a friend somehow and finally got here now. Sheesh. Anyway since the 3rd princess of the Runoa Empire is now introduced...hence the author shall make a serious series of chapters...good luck to me though. Anyway I shall try to make a concrete plot using the aristotlean way...or was that called like that.

By the way please comment and share your thoughts, whether it is to praise or to critic, it is your choice, anyway here is the chapter.
Anya here....

What is a diary? I do not know too...So I will just write down what is on my mind on that day.
Dear Diary,

Being alone is fine, totally fine, but remember that there are always people who will barge in your life whether it is for good or for the bad.

I met a person of the opposite sex today...he acted weird though

Areh? Why did the first part that I wrote became too serious?
For now...I was talking with the 3rd Imperial princess, Anya herself. Damn I actually didn't expect that since most of the people I saw on the way here have red hair like Rynia.

[So you are one of my mother's guest today huh...that only mean that you are with someone close to her] (Anya)

[Someone close with the Empress?...Is it perhaps Ellie (Minerveta)?]

[Ellie?] (Anya)

[No I misspoke there for a sec, who I mean is Minerveta...the one I have met a few months ago]

[Wait?! So Mina-chan is here?! Is she at Mother's chambers!!!???] (Anya) She immediately stood up with a joyful face.

Calm down she also calls Ellie as Mina-chan huh...Like mother like daughter then.

[Yes she is, though there is another reason why I fled from their exchanges] I do not want to be near that girly talk neither with that chihuahua...that bane of all shit is there to gnarl at me all the time.

[I see...] (Anya)

I see my ass...As if you would understand it in my case.

[So mind telling me your relationship with Mina-chan?] (Anya)

[Wait for a minute, why did it go to that question? If you ask my relationship with her...that has to be...a friend of some sort] Was it really a friend I wonder.

[Hmm? A friend huh...sounds too suspicious to me] (Anya) What are you?! Are you like your mother too?!

[So hime-chan you knew Minerveta from a long ago? The way you asked about her seems to be like so]

[Yes, I have met her 4 years ago here in the castle as she was promoted as our Imperial Magician. Seeing her embarrassed during the process made me developed the feeling of protecting her] (Anya)

I guess Ellie lives at Laguna City since her parents were there...That is quite a distance from her main job of being Runoa Empire's Imperial Magician.

Fanfic: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilotWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu