Chapter 24

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Jack Cooper here—
Business trip has two sides: one is the purpose of seeking out new business opportunities...and the other is to sight see.
For is the latter i am talking about

Talk about being excited...within the chair sitting on it was an elated fairy who was so excited for our trip today. Yesterday was a day for me to prepare for our necessities during this trip to Lushea's home.

[The forest of mysticism....that is where Shea's home is] (Lushea) She says it while having an excited face knowing that we will depart from Miruzo City.

Currently, we are at the West Gate where it is facing where we are heading. The forest of Mysticism is located at the west part of the continent where we are situated, and it is between the Beast-kin Kingdom Garguan or whatever it was named at.

[......hey, promise me that you will not tell a single thing about what will happen as soon as we made some distance with the city. I have a skill that is convenient for this trip....and probably something i hate too] Reminiscing my experience about made my stomach hurt a bit.

[You...okay?] (Lushea) Tapping my shoulder as she was currently on a piggy back position, she was slightly worried about me.

[Nah, I'm fine...for now] As my walking pace got faster, the view of the city was now gradually getting smaller.

We are now currently at the forest where i told her that my skill will be activated here. I did not told her what it was, but it seems that she had a hunch about what i meant.

{Brace for TitanFall—} the usual monotonous voice have voiced inside my head, and the large mass of metal body was then dropped from the sky at an alarming rate. The mass had caused its surface to glow bright due to the strong air resistance it had dealt with.

[Woah—— is that you're skill?] (Lushea) Mesmerized, her eyes were pasted on the sight of NorthStar falling from the sky.


[Board up, Pilot—] (NorthStar)

[.......i will....] nimbly changing to the IMC titan pilot suit, Lushea who was on my back was surprised by my sudden changed in clothing...this was not clothing but rather a uniform of some sort.

[A...a...amazing!] (Lushea) Her curiosity made her tinker my suit, pulling it and feeling the texture of the foreign clothing she has seen for the first time. She sure is like a cat.

[Are you afraid of heights?] I asked her the question that is important before riding the flying titan NorthStar. I wonder what is her answer.

[Nnn, fairies are used to flying sky high. Shea too is used to flying high in the sky—] (Lushea) Hoo— she is the opposite of me then.

Reluctantly getting on NorthStar's palm, we were then guided to enter its chest as its chassis open with a *Pasha—* sound. The sound always reminds me of opening a can of carbonated soda drink.

[Flight Core Online—] (NorthStar)
It sure is ready at all times—

[ this will hasten our trip?] (Lushea) The fairy was now inspecting the inside of NorthStar as i brace myself for the motion sickness for later. She only looked around and did not tinkered anything...what a good girl she is.

[Yeah...kind of. But first things first, please hold on to me or perhaps please just use this seatbelt or whatever this is. You may hurt yourself due to the motion during the flight of this guy—] I handed her a belt connected to my chest harness that holds a miniature seatbelt like harness that is intended for small kids, sort of like something to carry a big baby or a dog.

Fanfic: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilotHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin