Chaoter 49

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Jack here

My favorite Titan in game, the Ion, has my most highest kill count numbering to 3000 more or less.

Seeing his figure once is so so majestic
The war has finally started.

The flying ships ahead have now started accelerating further for about 80 km/h...but considering that it is a ship...should I say knots?

Anyway, Ion on the other hand is just running at the speed of a highway SUV...about 50 km/h in average.

Yet...that is just the speed, how about his huge steps? The movement may look so slow yet the distance we have covered have actually exceeded the speed of those ships.

[Pilot, enemies detected at 200 km north, caution is advised] (Ion) The rain has also started to start its down pour at this place too.

With each steps, we have created large footsteps. Yet these trail is hastily erased by the strong downpour of rain water. This much rain seems to not hinder the movement of the enemies, as expected.

As to start the operation "WAR END-ER" the aim here is to stop the war peacefully if possible.

[Zoom camera to 100 x]

[Acknowledged-] (Ion) The view became zoomed in a second making me see the visuals of the enemies' flying ship. The weak point...yep it is very distinguishable.

[Fire Ordnance at the center of the ship]

[Acknowledged- Firing Laser beam st 10% output] (Ion) His shoulder mounted laser gun...then fired a beam of laser beam.


Somehow, it pierces the ship in sight and...

[ anticlimactic] The ship go down in one go, no casualties have been found. Phew~

But the enemies' scouts have saw my location and spotted me. Their cannons somehow became pointed at, not to us but to the group far ahead.

[Sh•t are they dare devils?!] Ion evaded the accelerated cannon this is the rumored magic cannon huh...At least it got the sparkles.

Aiming the huge splitter rifle...cannon to the floating ships, the barrage of plasma projectiles will then begin after a short while.

High Marten soldiers' pov

Standing in front of us...was a huge metal golem. Its body is not purely one part, but it looked like someone made it.

Its glowing orb eye gave chills to my spine as it looked like assessing us. fired something out from its shoulder.


A yellow line pierced the air as it passed by us overhead, it hit the floating ship above...

[Ahhhh!!! Run everyone!!!!] (??) Frantically shouting was my superior, i must run too or else I'll be smashed by the flying ship's heavy mass.

The proud flying ships that our country has made...have fallen down after a single strike from the enemy.

Next...when we fired the magic cannons at it.....

*bang!!! Bang!! Bang*

The entire cannoneer team blasted it...but for naught.

Using its left arm, a field like material caught all of the cannon balls.....

[Sh•t ru-] Before I was even finished in stating the warning....the entire cannoneer squad was blasted out, was our cannons that got destroyed and luckily no one was harmed.

But in that moment, we never realizes that when we think that we're the biggest fish in the sea...a bigger one would appear.
[Retreat!!!!] (??) The voice of the soldiers reach me. It seems that they'll retreat for now.

Well then! Let the 2nd part of this operation begin!

{Unit Leader, squad 11 have finished executing members of the Black Vipers} (Stalker 7)

{Copy that, let them rendezvous in my location ASAP along with the other squads}

{Roger that} (Stalker 7) Phew~ the job is well done. With that, I have confirmed that those B.V.O. were really involved in this war.

[Pilot, floating fleet are now all destroyed] (Ion) Ah—it seems that he have already dealt with the ships that tried to flee.

[Well done, let us scan the area for anything strange]

[Acknowledged—] (Ion)

Well, the battle was quite quick as the soldiers from the invading country is now retreating at full speed. This may be quite a big slap to their face, but who cares! As long as everyone from Guardia Kingdom is safe then all is well.

3 days later—

[And that is how it goes]

[.....Haa~h so it was useless to worry huh] (Minerveta)

I was quick to come back and it was still raining here at Laguna City.

[To end a war in just a few minutes...are you still human?] (Minerveta)

[Huh? I am 100% human just in case, but I believe that it is only 99% and the remaining is i am doubtful with. Anyway...can I get an explanation with the fluff on your lap?] I pointed at the ball of fluff at Ellie's lap...Do not tell me...

[This is your fairy see~ when we were eating sweets while she was asleep....] (Minerveta)

[ need not to explain further. I can somehow imagine what happened, at least she's asleep right now] Currently it is almost 9:00 pm so it was already the dead of the night.

The sound of rain drops hitting the surface of the land outside is not reaching our ears here...this place by the way is sound and noise proof.

I can't help but be awed at this place.

[But hey...tell me more about your life after we parted] (Minerveta)

[Are you talking about that time when we parted after high school graduation?]

[Yes, that's it] (Minerveta) I still remember...she's the type of person whom will ask me what I did. Haa~h she's like mom.

[You see...]


High Marten Monarchy

A grand retreat occurred due to the sudden appearance of a large metallic golem firing a beam of light causing the High Marten's trump card "Flying ships" to be down after a single hit per unit.

[This is impossible!!! How can a being exist like that?!] (??) Ranting his anger on his desk, was the commander.

[But Commander! If we did not saw that with our eyes...we would have doubted our sane during that time] (??)

This was the exchange between the commander and a soldier.

Hearing this conversation while being hidden after the door...was Marielle.

Her spy team had already reached High Marten territory and is now conducting their search here.

[*Mutters* How can that be? Maybe those beings will only show when there is a conflict huh] (Marielle)

She then moves in the shadow while keeping her keen sense of hearing aware of the conversation happening around the enemy camp

Fanfic: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilotजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें