Chapter 56

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Lushea here ~

Lately Shea have been aware that Jack-san is Shea's friend and he must be protected at all cost!!!

Good thing Shea has power!

And magic!!!!

Or else Shea will be the one to be protected instead...

Shadows were moving in the rooftop of a certain port town, their figures reach a number of 30 yet their footsteps were very light. This made the people unaware of their presence.

[Captain, the area is clear] (??) To be precise, they look like ninjas.

[Good, secure the perimeter of the area. We have finally track that piece of sh•t down] (??) A very strong feminine voice actually came from the tallest person on the group.

[Ma'am, are you sure that the target is here?] (??)

[No doubt about the report, they were a trio of  the same features. Blonde, pink, and orange haired personnel were spotted to enter the inn] (??)

Haa—h why can't I just rest? The reason for that is the conversation happening at the rooftop in the inn where we're at.

[Jack-san you're awake?] (Lushea)

[Erm yes, I am arranging the INVENTORY and is taking out the meat from the Gargantuar Dragons I have subjugated some time ago] The INVENTORY is amazing, I can actually dismantle the monster using it. So right now...I have tons of meat, bones, scales, and other materials that can be sold to any shop.

[Hee—meat....dragon meat?!!!!] (Lushea) I am very surprised that she muttered that word for a sec and got awake fully after that.

[That is for tomorrow, sleeping after eating is proven bad for digestion]

[Gununununu....I will wait—hmph!] (Lushea) What is this fairy lass pouting at?

Anyway, that was actually true. But the issue here spoke is not about food but about the people on the rooftop. They sure are quite nosy.

For precaution, I activated CLOAK while on my suit. Apparently I am going to wear this until tomorrow. My figure then diffuses into the shadow as I wait for them, Lushea and Cascadia on the other hand are fast asleep.

For additional precaution, I have took out the MGL but not armed with explosive rounds. The ones in it are called sound bombs. Erm...concussive round should be exact. They are rounds that explode loudly along with a flash of light. In other words they are flash bangs in the form of grenade rounds.

[And down they go] I saw some ropes descend from the roof and figures of black clothed people that looked like ninjas have arrived at our rooms silently.


*Booooommmm!* *Chiiiiiiiinnnnnnggggg!!!!*

[Ahhhh!!!!!!] (??)

[My ears!!!!] (??)

[Too bright!!!] (??

The heck!!!!! That was so loud!!!!!!!!

Good thing I have places a muffler on the girls' ears so they are not affected by it. On the other hans...the ninjas have all collapsed on the floor.

[So I have to clean this mess up huh] I just tied their whole body using some bondage tying techniques I have learned from the reference books I have bought before. *Cough. 2x* I experimented first with this group and it turned too well.

For the meantime I hanged them in the ceiling and bid good night with the world.

[What the heck?!!] (Lushea)

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