Chapter 5

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To kill was a sin...right?

But in seems to be "kill or be killed" it is the natural order of the world. The weak gets eaten and the strong gets to eat and grow stronger.

I didn't kill a good person(well i did yesterday, i mean those bandits) but a goblin instead. Green colored, approximately 135 cm high monsters with nasty faces and clubs as weapons....yeah.....this was a goblin. I already met these guys before.


That annoying scream from the baldy green ugly creature resonated in the forest as i hid above the trees. Goblins that were spotted in my sights were group before, they were too stupid so they split up in the end.

[This is easy] i was equipped with the smart pistol mk.2, and was already on my 23rd goblin. Collecting their right ear and their monster core was easy with the use of another steel knife, but it seems as soon as blood is present, their sense of smell is of no joke.



The one below me seems to have noticed my presence, so i shot its head ceasing its life in an instant.

[24.....i wonder, how many are there in this place?]

As far as I remembered, i read it on a book(light novel) before that goblins tend to make their settlements on caves and forests, specifically places near to sources of water like rivers and lakes, also at waterfalls.

Proceeding smoothly, i made my way to the deeper part of the forest, the forest where i am at is called Mrenia Forest, a very dense and vegetated forest. It is an ideal place for monsters to grow and multiply due to the dense environment where they are apparently at.

Also, it is an ideal place for a marksman like me...*grin*

On the distance, seen from my map is a group of goblins. 5 red dots in total. It is a small group.

[Hmm....a goblin mage and spearmen.....the mage is a bit troublesome....let's deal with that first]

Aiming my sights at the goblin mage, a predictive path of travel appeared on my sight indicating a clear path towards the goblin mage's head. That was the smart pistols predictive aim.


The mage was KIA, i then killed the 4 spearmen escorts.


[Phew~ that's 29]

Cutting their right ears, i then extracted their monster cores found individually on their chest cavity, just beside their hearts where magic always gather on the body of monsters.

[As far as concern....since i have 29 goblin ears....that should be 5x29......145 coppers....1 silver and 45 coppers.....hoo~ not bad for my first quest]

The quest i took offers 5 coppers per goblin ear, then if i collect their dark colored monster cores, i would get twice the reward for the ear. So basically it is 15 coppers per goblin.

So if a person kills one goblin, he/she can live easily for a day since an average person uses 10 coppers per day.

Just killing one would provide you with 15 coppers, since i killed 29, all of these goes for 435 coppers/ 4 silvers and 35 copper coins in total.

Normally, one can live for a week or two with that.

[ habit of grinding appeared again......]

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