Chapter 58

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Jack here

Have you ever met a single person who had that same feel with your deceased relative? It feels weird to meet them, right?

But how do I cope with this awkward fore-bonding feeling I had when I met her?

I guess time can only tell

A blade just passed by me nearly hitting my chin. I then threw a powerful punch on the gut of the bandit...

[Ugohhh!!—] (??)

He actually bended in a ">" like manner then hitting his back on the tree trunk behind.

[Jack, on your right!] (Rynia)

[On it!] The forest here is crowded by bandits everywhere!! But their numbers have dwindled down quite significantly since the squad I have sent earlier for help had already began their extermination of targets.

I can even occasionally hear that *bang* sound of the Kraber as well as that rapid succession of firing of the D-101 Longbow DMR. They seem to be near in our position, about 400 meters ahead.

[Rynia! Watch out!]

[Ughh!!!] (Rynia) She got slashed in the back, red blood then dripped over her silky skin...

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

I used the B3 Wingman to quickly kill the bandit. It seems that exhaustion have finally got Rynia as her movements dull over time.

[Hang in there girl, I'll give you something] I used the pilot skill STIM...apparently it is an injectable type of medication that boosts healing and increases speed due to adrenaline for a short time, at the cost of being on a short period of being drunk that is.

[Ha?] (Rynia) I injected it near her heart for faster medicine circulation...her wounds on the back healed so fast that it is so unnatural to see in my point of view.

[Heave...Ho!] I assisted her with my left arm as I hold unto her waist tightly. She's too unstable on her steps and her eyes were swimming around...

She's too pitiful in this state!!!! I am not a person who takes this situation to take advantage of her, I am a man of culture after all...and I'm not into that...especially for the fact that I can see mom in her.

But...why is there a side effect for using STIM? The game didn't have this....

Anyway at least it was of help. I just remember that I had that "Abnormal Status Resistance" that is probably the reason why Pilots don't get drunk over this?

[Jack-san, what happened to Rynia-chan?] (Cascadia)

[chan? Oh right, you're older than her after all. She's drunk after using this recovering tool thing-y] I showed them the used STIM syringe.

[Is it sweet?] (Lushea) They are done with dealing with the bandits here.

[Erm no...] If Shea drinks this...I can only think of things going to happen in a very bad way.

We laid her on the floor of the carriage and then blanketed her with the jacket I had before...

[She's fine? Her clothes and armor got ripped on her back tho] (Rynia)

[She's fine, she is just unstable due to exhaustion] Well that was 50% right, I just didn't tell him the entire truth.

We halted our advance for now, resting takes priority since everyone is exhausted due to the battle earlier.

[ the rumor about this place having a rampant bandit situation isn't purely a mere joke] I heard of it before back at the inn where we have stayed for a day.

I drank the water of the canteen I am holding to throat is quite parched. But I wonder how long would we need to travel.

I looked at the camp we have set was already night yet there were no signs of enemies. The reason it is peaceful right now was due to the Spectres and Stalkers hunting down any bandit nearby my position, which also goes that our group would be safe.

[Fighting monsters is way more easier than fighting humans] I wonder how I felt during that time I killed a bandit back when I killed an entire swarm of Gargantuar Dragons...It feels very different, when I would kill a human...humans are smart so the battle would take long, as for monsters...maybe the thought is what is different.

Haaa—h it is so stupid to think of this while resting, I'll only cause exhaustion to my mind if I continued pondering further.

[Jack-san, you there?] (Cascadia)

[Yes come in] Someone came at the entrance of the tent, it was Cascadia.

[Mister Dante is calling for you] (Cascadia) Dante? Did he need me for something? Better check it out then.

[Mister Dante]

[Oh—Jack, here come. Take a look at this thing we have found during the aftermath of the battle earlier] (Dante)


What I saw was a tattoo of the same Black Vipers Organization on one of the bandit's right arm...

[Do you know that organization Mister Dante?]

[Oh yes kid, no one among any merchant would not know of this infamous organization. After all, that infamous group would only bring chaos and disorder amongst places they would establish themselves] (Dante)

[So does this mean...Runoa Empire is being bugged by this group?]

[The possibility is big, my information connection told me about how her majesty the empress have made moves in gathering intelligence in the shadows about them. Yet it seems that this organization is sleeker than what she had imagined. Guess what, most of the corpses we have piled are members of this sh•tty group] (Dante)

So their influence is stronger here than other kingdoms huh...this may be problematic.

{Echo squad, can you hear me?}

{Loud and clear unit leader} (Spectre 37)

{I want you to conduct a full scale search and destroy operation. Meet with Delta, Foxtrot, and Gamma squad 50 kilometers to the north of my position}

{Roger that} (Spectre 37)

Haa—h...maybe our arrival here in this place is god sent, the empire is plagued by a nasty a•s group that is tormenting any place they have set their eyes upon.

I wonder if this has been the most busiest of cases I have been before.

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