Author's Note: Schedule for the Reboot's Release

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I feel like it has been quite a long rest for my head, it's almost a year since I quit this fan-fiction so I am here to deliver some news regarding the reboot's release. 

First and foremost, there are no bad news except for all of you to be patient, here are the things I want to point out regarding the topic:

1. I will only upload when I reached up to 10 unpublished chapters, so I will ask all of you to please wait for a while. No, there is no patreon and I think there will never be one. 

2. Next is about the plot line, it will be a total rework and my eyes are killing me about it. For now it will follow the original but revised plot until the Assault at the Empire Arc. 

3. I will solo this work, I felt like I did something wrong regarding the last parts. So lads, this will be a solo work in the true sense.

4. There are already 2 long chapters in the unpublished section, still under revisions and editing to smooth ya boy's writing style. 5 chapters are currently present.

5. Upon publishing, I would want to get your honest opinions regarding the first changes.

And as for those that are reading this story, don't be confused at the reboot because it is just a smoothed version of this fan-fic, no cutting corners, and I will introduce every character with my best as possible. I really think I axed how a character has been introduced so I am reworking in that area. I made that story when things were chaotic after know...pandemic and stuff. So my mind is unstable during those times, and not just me but some of you as well. I lost many people I knew back then...and now I am back on my feet, totally having moved on with that matter already.

For now, I thank thee for reading this story 1'st chapter until this recent Author's Note and I hope you a good day.


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