Chapter 31

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Jack here (^_^)v

Have you felt embarrassed because you were treated highly after a certain event? if that had happened to me back then!!!!!

As two days passed before I returned back to the Fairy Kingdom, I never thought something was to happen as I return.

[I know that you all know that I saved all of you but.....isn't this just too much for rewards?!]

In front if me were 10 large bags of coins, not just coins but also treasures I do not want to hear names. The money reached a whopping amount of 500 white gold coins.

[Ehehehehe isn't Jack-san now a rich man?] (Lushea) The face of a certain pink haired fairy loli then showed in front of me as she levitates a meter above the ground.

She was at all smiles as she saw me arrive, the people behind her were instead have eyes that were filled with awe and respect towards me.

[Take it boy, I heard that you cannot do that much without money when inside human cities. So these are the only things we of the forest residents can grant unto you along with this bracelet] (Adria)

Hmm? What he handed to his wife was a wooden bracelet.....or is it just that?

[Take this Jack-boy, this is a sign of friendship that indicates the individual "Jack Cooper" is a friend of the Fairy Kingdom along with its neighbors residing in the same forest, so if there is a problem you cannot solve alone, we will guarantee you help so do come if you need that] (??) I still haven't heard her name, Lushea's mom that is.

[I see...what can i retort with this anyway....thank you, and you're welcome]

{Title Earned" Friend of the Fairies "}

I accepted the rewards and stored it at INVENTORY, but the bracelet was equipped at my right wrist. At least with this it won't interfere with my movements.

[Then I will depart immediately, I want to travel around the world for now...and do some quest]

[.........really? I thought you'll stay here for a few days seems you cannot be contained in an area for a few days huh....Well....*sigh*.....good luck in your journey Jack-san!] (Lushea) She flew beside me and hugged me...the hug only was done halfway my body since fairies are small beings.

I pat her head, by the way...i did not expect that there would be a drinking party in the evening hence I was delayed of my travel.

The forest people were amazed as how I drank alcohol like a fish breathing water.

[.........] It did not affect me in the morning nor there were any hangover...i just feel good today as well.

I stretched my body and wore the usual IMC pilot battle suit. But...i did not expect the number of people outside waiting for me.

[Jack-san!!!] (Lushea) Her figure was seen flying atop of the masses and was heading my way at a fast pace.

[Ouph!] I caught her in my hands and she was crying.....?!

[Eh? Wait, why are you crying?]

[ head hurts....] (Lushea)
Ah....right, she drank gleefully yesterday and had a hangover.

[Jack-dono! We are here to sent you off!!] (Argus) His face was he still drunk.

[Jack-san, fairies if we drink alcohol too much would be drunk for a week] (Lushea) I see, I will keep that in my mind.

Fanfic: Summoned to the parallel world of swords and magic as a titan pilotUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum