Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Jack Cooper here—

Have you ever skipped on a designated meeting? Hahahah, for me i did it many times but that was during my school days.

Skipping works and meetings is a bad thing to do especially when it is an important one so please don't do it, and i mean it seriously.

The subtle sound of the water drops echoes at the stair case as it over laps with the sound of my footsteps. It was bright here inside, but my map had been on full alert due to the many presence of enemies found on the first upper floor a.k.a floor 1.

[It sure is eerie] I was currently equipped with a gun that deals some quite a good punch, it was the M1904 Mastiff Combat Laser Shotgun.

It is my all time favorite due to the advantages on close and blank range firing. It also has a good spread which is great for a player like me.

[Hahahahaha, i hope it will do good at this environment] If i am correct, a nature attribute monster often have fire as their weakness. Then, laser is hot and can cut metal, is it fire? The answer? Well...


[Kiiii—.....] (??) An ivy hound i have spotted died after having its body shot by a bunch of horizontally fired lasers. Yep, it is a wonderful weapon with a good horizontal spread, although it had inconsistencies in its projectile damage and it also has a delay before hitting distant enemies, the overall performance is good when you get the hang of it.

[That was good] I then stored the core from the ivy hound which was green in color, hence it was a nature attribute monster core.

The ivy hound had the same size of a race of dog called Great Dane so they hold a considerable threat due to their size especially to a solo adventurer like me, if inexperienced that is.

I have faced the ugly ass gnolls back at Veriton so this was nothing to me now, the only problem that i need to watch out is their hound call, sort of a reinforcement howl that calls their other kind for support and to overpower the enemy with numbers.

So to cope up with a scenario like that, i have equipped myself with dozens of gravity stars that can provide a great crowd control if that ever happens. And for the second, i have also prepared thermite grenades and incendiary ones since those are fire based explosives.

[This is way too easy then!]

Happily skipping as i traverse the first floor, i have found some good treasures like the following:
• a golden unknown goblet
• a chain with an ethereal aura
• an unstable magic book
• a yellow dyed leather boots

The last one was weird so i did not take it.

The first floors were mostly consisted of ivy hounds, i leveled up too.


Name: Jack Cooper


Race: Human


Job:[Pilot] Adventurer

Job classes:-----





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