Chapter 92

315 11 15

Author here

This will be the chapter that is going to be final for now....I mean the last on the list.

My schedule for work changed from 7 ==> 3 into 8:30 Am ==> 5 Pm, anyway I am going to need to focus on my work....thus I said those things the chapter before this.

Anyway don't worry chap, I am still going to publish chapters but probably it will be a really loooooooooooong time before I get to publish another, hence the chapters this time have an average of 3000 words.

-The author who faced reality and left his fantasy world...temporarily

Also sorry to Editor-san for not saying this, but my phone's storage is almost full thus I had to uninstall Discord for the better~

m(_ _)m
[Wonder what today's chapter of life has in store.] (Cross)

[Hmm....this isn't a story though....]

[It is if you look at the logs... And type some things differently.] (Cross)

The gremlin is accelerating within the riverside as we're speaking right now. I did not tread the ice that has formed atop the frozen river as it may be dangerous.

[Yeah yeah I get it. You can go inside now. Your butt and feet probably hurt. Marvin can take your place]

[Hey this is nothing compared to getting them cut off and then having phantom ouchies, but I'll take Cascadia's lap anyway.] (Cross)

[Fine] His figure then slithers inside as he gracefully arrives at the front seat where Cascadia accepted him...and planted him on her lap. I just noticed this now.....but Cascadia sniffed the back of his head in a long deep breath.

Marvin then goes to the turret platform and gives me a thumbs up.

Jack here

A countryside road trip is something I have already missed. When ma and pa were gone, I hadn't gone into one.

However! We're doing the same thing here but we're on a mission with a new friend.

(psst, Cross here. I'm invading Jack's private "me time" part in the story, don't tell him though. Anyway, Spoiler alert, but there's gonna be more bad guys as you probably already guessed. There will also be a chocoholic coming around sometime.)

Hmmm??? Somehow I felt that there is a hidden message written in my diary....oh well.

(Crap... Gotta go!)
Since we basically need to eat....I stopped the vehicle near the river.

[Hey...aren't you guys all hungry?]

[I am!!!!!] (Lushea) The fairy was the first to respond to my question.

[I don't need food. Only really serves as a quick way to replenish mana or health.] (Cross)

[Eh? I was about to ask whether you guys want to fish here? I brought fishing rods and ice drills after all]

[I'll go diving if you want me to?] (Cross)

[Fox in cold water isn't a good thing though] I left the gremlin turned on so that the engine won't stop due to the cold weather.

[Please, I've survived at 0 Kelvin before. Temperature is nothing to me in terms of survival. Comfort is something else though.] (Cross)

[Are you some kind of vegetative shark?] I heard that the Greenland shark back at earth can survive the said temperature of -59*C....yet 0 K....

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