Chapter 88

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What is a pillar beast you might ask? They are the equivalents of the fairies that have controlled the seasons....yet these pillar beasts I am speaking of do not control the season.....

They control how the world should go, how it should work, and control the large bodies of land, earth, and the wide air and the moon.

Moon? Well....let us just say that the two moons are the ones it has its domain with.

Apparently there are over 6 pillar beats that have governed the world order. They are:

-The king of monsters, the King of the Earth Dragon. Shin
-The king of water, the serpent that drink 7 seas dry, Jormungandr
-The king of the sky, the 9 headed flying Hydra, Orochi
-The King of the moon,  the ever darkness dragon, Noir
-The King of Fire, the Fire Bird Phoenix
-The King of Ice, the frost beast, Hekkantokeheires

But hey...I am friends with two of them
Jack here

What would you do if your pets suddenly talk in human language the next time you make contact with them?

Freak out?

If it is me, I would converse with them my complaints about the world and such.
Say....The king of is the sealed Hekkantokeheires right?

[Hey, what was the beast that your Kingdom carelessly freed again?]

[The ancient pillar beast Hekkantokeheires-sama] (Sommia)

[Huh?] Then shouldn't it be doing its proper job?

I looked at the Jormungandr

[He seems to be quite agitated about something and wants the people of this land frozen. Something I do not know of is causing this behavior of his to be skewed upon] (Jormungandr) The serpent really can speak

[Hey, why is the Ice King frozen in the first place?]

[Well.....] (Jormungandr) And the. A really long story was told by a serpent grandpa.

It seems that the Ice King froze itself to fully grasp upon the winter, however that was 1000 years ago. The same time the BVO started to appear and spread their stupid infamy.

No one really knew about this except for those that have read books that showed the articles mentioned above.

[Hey this has become really serious. What if the BVO is related to the Ice King's agitation causing such intense weather to occur?] The Yuki-Onnas and the snow sprites seem to be proven innocent at this point.

[There is a high possibility, however now that you have got the magic crystal...I should now start to search for its potential whereabouts] (Cascadia)

The satellite image provided by Honor is shown on my interface. Traumerei Kingdom is a kingdom that floats within an ice sheet that is 50 meters thick.

It is a kingdom above the ice that has lived peacefully not until this occurred.

Cascadia then began her work as she went back into the parked drop ship.

But I remained at the site because the ancient beast Jormungandr has something to say.

{Say human, whatever happens...don't kill the ice king. If he dies, then all of the ice within this world shall melt, thus causing the rise of water levels and drowning millions of lives} (Jormungandr)


[Sure, I'll do my best to revert back how it should be, at least that is within my scope of power]

{I'll take your words human, good luck} (Jormungandr)

{Received "the Blessing of the King of the water"!!} And here it is.

With the blessing bestowed, the location of the ancient pillar beast Jormungandr is now always shown on the MAP, same as with Shin's location. All are marked with golden markers and have names underneath them. Right now the red marker of Jormungandr changed into gold as it has recently bestowed to me its blessing.

The serpent then submerged back into the water and went away.

[I found it!] (Cascadia) A small cheerful voice reached my ears. It seems she was successful in finding the location of the Ice King.

Boy...this sure is one heck of a chaotic adventure. I said to myself as I slowly went back into the drop ship with Scorch following me.
-Within Traumerei Kingdom's Port City, Arktika-

The snow storm here has killed the livelihood of the people from cooking, farming, fishing, transportation and logistics, and even the military aspect has all been rendered useless upon the recent days of the snow storm.

However...when looking at the scenery of the town of Arktika, no one is moving....

Everyone has been put to a cryogenic state, all are unconscious since they were forcefully put at an eternal cold sleep, just waiting for their frozen bodies to be heated by the sun...however if no one rescues them then they will sleep forever infinitely in this cruel cold weather.

The fact that the real perpetrators aren't even affected...has something fishy with it.

[The path to world damnation is now possible, we only need to exploit the ancient beasts' instincts] (??) A man in thick jackets peeks out from the window of a nearby house.

[Brother, the team sent to find the mermaid shrine failed to locate it. The ice is just too thick] (??)

[...what is it?] (??)

[The team faile—] (??) A trail splat of blood left the neck of the man as his head rolled into the wooden floor.

[Useless f*ck, why not send them back idiot?...oh~ you cannot do that anymore since you're dead. Ahahahahahahahaha!!!! As if finding the temple is important! Now that the ice king is in our grasps nothing can stop us anymore!!!!] (??)

His mad laughter echoed at the cold ghost town of Arktika...

Ahead of the port town is a field of still ice.

However looking at the horizon, you would notice that a black spot can be seen ahead.

[......] (??) It was the ancient beast. The large body of a monster that is colored in blue, white, and a tinge of green is what its characteristics are.

However, focusing at its neck, a metallic collar is attached to it and chains embedded from the collar into the ice field are hindering its movements. Impaled in this field, the Ice King regretted some of its previous actions.

Should it have meddled with the work of the organization, then this situation shouldn't have occurred.

However it is already too late. It only desired for one thing, be it a hero or not, it was waiting for a savior to save it from this adversity.

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